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From: moviePig <>
Subject: Re: Man strikes back against Seaside California order with boat mural
Date: Tue, 14 May 2024 18:54:06 -0400
Organization: A noiseless patient Spider
Lines: 73
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References: <v1tucf$3m36h$>
 <> <v1u2m7$3n232$>
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On 5/14/2024 6:19 PM, BTR1701 wrote:
> In article <v20m4l$dci5$>, moviePig <>
> wrote:
>> On 5/14/2024 1:41 AM, BTR1701 wrote:
>>> In article <v1ujru$3uc8o$>,
>>>    moviePig <> wrote:
>>>> On 5/13/2024 7:29 PM, BTR1701 wrote:
>>>>> In article <v1u6on$3o2h8$>,
>>>>>     moviePig <> wrote:
>>>>>> On 5/13/2024 6:36 PM, BTR1701 wrote:
>>>>>>> In article <v1u2m7$3n232$>,
>>>>>>>      moviePig <> wrote:
>>>>>>>> On 5/13/2024 5:04 PM, Rhino wrote:
>>>>>>>>> On Mon, 13 May 2024 20:49:19 -0000 (UTC)
>>>>>>>>> "Adam H. Kerman" <> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> I'm guessing that Seaside California is on the ocean and lots of
>>>>>>>>>> residents own boats?
>>>>>>>>>> A man had his boat on his property. He was told that municipal code
>>>>>>>>>> required him to install a 6 foot tall fence around it to comply with
>>>>>>>>>> code.
>>>>>>>>>> He built the fence then painted a realistic mural of a boat on the
>>>>>>>>>> fence.
>>>>>>>>>> Man strikes back against Seaside order with boat mural
>>>>>>>>>> by Torstein Rehn
>>>>>>>>>> KSBW-TV News Channel 8
>>>>>>>>>> Updated: 1:22 PM PDT May 13, 2024
>>>>>>>>> I didn't see anything in the article explaining WHY he had to have a
>>>>>>>>> fence around his boat. Is this a case of "Because we said so!" or is
>>>>>>>>> there a sensible reason for the policy?
>>>>>>>>> As for the fence he built, it's brilliant! We should all do that when
>>>>>>>>> faced with unjust laws and rules: either fight them (if we can) or
>>>>>>>>> mock them.
>>>>>>>> A mural of a boat is likely less of an eyesore than an actual boat.
>>>>>>>> And if somehow it weren't, it probably runs afoul of other community
>>>>>>>> codes.
>>>>>>> But community codes are subordinate to the 1st Amendment. A boat isn't
>>>>>>> speech but a mural of a boat *is* speech and community codes will have
>>>>>>> to do a lot of heavy lifting to overcome the law's heavy presumption in
>>>>>>> favor of protecting speech.
>>>>>> In this instance, the mural would seem to be "speech" only to the extent
>>>>>> that it argues against the ordinance it's responding to.
>>>>> Doesn't matter why it's speech or what it's trying to say. The
>>>>> government isn't allowed to restrict speech based on content or the
>>>>> speaker's message.
>>>> Your 3-year-old's random finger-painting isn't "speech".
>>> It is with regard to government censorship. Even 3-year-olds have rights.
>> Of course it isn't, assuming he used more than his middle finger.
> Yes, it is.
> You're doing that thing again where you confuse what you want the law to
> be with what the law actually is.

You mean... think?