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Path: ...!!!!!!.POSTED!not-for-mail
From: Andrew <>
Subject: Re: Additions to the iOS/Android Features Document
Date: Thu, 16 May 2024 13:28:00 -0000 (UTC)
Organization: BWH Usenet Archive (
Message-ID: <v251kv$2lke$>
References: <v23itk$15peo$> <>
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badgolferman wrote on Thu, 16 May 2024 10:28:32 -0000 (UTC) :

> I wonder if nospam has gone missing because he's busy writing 123 pages
> of refutations for your document...

I've read Steve's document in the past and the reason all the uneducated
ignorant Apple religious zealots hated it was it was almost all true.

The only thing is Steve doesn't know Android all that well, but he uses
both daily (as do I) so he reasonably well versed in what iOS should be
able to do (because all operating systems other than iOS easily do them).

It's no longer shocking that thousands upon thousands of very simple things
that every other OS easily does - are completely impossible on iOS - all of
which nospam would have said in his ignorant way, as you very well know... 

    "Nobody (using Apple products) needs functionality"
    "Nobody (using Apple products) wants functionality"
nospam's contract to defend Apple to the death apparently wasn't renewed.