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From: Ubiquitous <>
Subject: Re: Biden Says the Quiet Part Out Loud
Date: Thu, 16 May 2024 15:37:28 -0400
Organization: A noiseless patient Spider
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X-Subject: Republican-Led State Finds Over 100 Non-Citizens On Voter Rolls, Requests Citizenship Data From Biden Admin
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In article <v1oon1$28p2j$>, Kerman wrote:
> BTR1701 <no_email@invalid.invalid> wrote:
>> suzeeq <> wrote:

>>> True. The Rs want to make sure the non-citizens don't vote
>>Why would only Republicans want to make sure of that? Shouldn't every
>>American want to ensure that foreign nationals aren't swaying out
>>>there's already a 'rule' for that. When you register you have to be a
>>>citizen to do so.
>>But no enforcement of it. It's basically on the honor system.
>Every time you repeat this bullshit, I've corrected you on it. It's not
>an honor system.
>Two federal laws apply, National Voter Registration Act of 1993 (Motor
>Voter Act) and Help America Vote Act (the post Bush v. Gore
>legislation). States are required to offer voter registration on
>simultaneous application for basic government services, like applying
>for or updating the address on a driver's license. 
>The voter registrant provides his driver's license number or four most
>significant digits of his Social Security Number. The state voter
>registrar finds the registrant on either of these databases.
>The birth certificate is linked to both databases.
>The birth certificate is evidence of citizenship.
>For naturalized persons, the registrant includes the federal court and
>date of naturalization.
>We've had Enumeration at Birth (1987 to 1991 rollout) in which each
>state uses an application that applies jointly for a birth certificate
>and SSN. Pretty much anyone born in the United States in the last three
>decades was enumerated at birth. Again, use of the SSN is a pretty good
>indicator of citizenship given the evidence of the birth certificate.
>We've also had Enumeration at Entry since 2002, in which foreign
>nationals applying for an immigrant visa simultaneously apply for an
>SSN. If the visa is granted, then the application is released for SSN
>enumeration. In this case, the SSN is linked to nationality records and
>if queried, I suppose a record of "immigrated but not yet naturalized"
>would turn up.
>If you want a more robust system, then you are talking about creating an
>all-encompassing federal database of birth certificates in Department of
>Health and Human Services, receiving records from state vital statistics
>registries. That may be more than a little creepy and could certainly be
>used for fraud when the records leak. Then anybody needing to obtain a
>copy of a birth certificate for official purposes from out of state
>could obtain it from this database.
>I don't see why there couldn't be a national database from
>naturalization courts created, if one doesn't already exist. This could
>be queried.

Ohio Republican Secretary of State Frank LaRose ordered the Midwest state’s 
voter rolls to be purged Tuesday after finding that 137 people were 
registered to vote in the upcoming election despite not being U.S. citizens, 
Fox News reported.

The Ohio Public Integrity Division looked into data from the state’s Bureau 
of Motor Vehicles and found 137 non-citizens on the voter rolls even though 
they had twice confirmed they were not U.S. citizens. Ohio, which was won by 
former President Donald Trump in 2016 and 2020, “leans Trump” for the 2024 
election, according to RealClearPolitics.

To help the state remove non-citizens from its voter rolls, LaRose’s office 
has also requested information on citizenship data from President Joe Biden’s 
Department of Homeland Security and the Social Security Administration, along 
with federal district court records, which show who has been disqualified 
from jury duty due to not being a U.S. citizen.

“These individuals will receive at least two written notices from the 
Secretary of State’s office asking them to confirm their citizenship status 
or cancel their registration. Failure to respond to these notices will result 
in removal of the registration from the voter rolls by the county boards of 
elections,” LaRose told Fox News.

“It’s important to recognize that some of these registrations may be the 
result of an honest mistake,” LaRose added. “These may be well-meaning people 
trying to pursue the American dream, and communication barriers sometimes 
result in a registration form being submitted in error. We need to help them 
get that cleared up before an accidental registration becomes an illegal vote 
that could result in a felony conviction or even deportation.”

As the southern border crisis continues under Biden’s leadership, Republicans 
across the country have raised concerns about illegal immigrants potentially 
voting in local and federal elections. Some municipalities, such as 
Washington, D.C., allow non-citizens to vote in local elections, a statute 
that was challenged but kept in place after a federal judge threw out the 
lawsuit seeking to prevent non-citizens from casting ballots.

Last week, House Republicans introduced the Safeguard American Voter 
Eligibility (SAVE) Act, which would require documentation proving U.S. 
citizenship from anyone who registers to vote in U.S. elections. Currently, 
under the 1993 Voter Registration Act, people are only required to fill out a 
form swearing they are U.S. citizens and are not required to provide 
documentation, USA Today reported.

House Speaker Mike Johnson said it’s hard to prove how many illegal 
immigrants are voting in federal elections, but he added that Americans know 
“intuitively” that it is happening.

“We all know, intuitively, that a lot of illegals are voting in federal 
elections. But it’s not been something that is easily provable. We don’t have 
that number,” he said.

Rep. Chip Roy (R-TX) told The Daily Mail, “Without the verification measures 
in the SAVE Act, we’re basically asking people who are already breaking the 
law by coming to the US illegally to abide by the honor system. No way; 
American elections should belong to American citizens, period.”

[Kerman's incorrect formatting fixed.]

Let's go Brandon!