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From: Andrew <>
Subject: Re: Additions to the iOS/Android Features Document
Date: Thu, 16 May 2024 21:17:49 -0000 (UTC)
Organization: BWH Usenet Archive (
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References: <v23itk$15peo$> <F1t1O.4442$kVL8.2400@fx01.ams4> <> <v25pjs$1957$> <dru1O.12566$qrU9.6680@fx03.ams4>
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Gordinator wrote on Thu, 16 May 2024 21:57:45 +0100 :

>> which is one of the reasons I say that Steve's document is pretty good
> How so? It's really imbalanced and clearly biased towards iOS, and 
> misrepresents certain arguments, is out-of-date in many places, and 
> cites features that have been in Android for longer than iOS as things 
> Android users "wish they'd have".

I don't disagree with anything you've said... however... I will remark that
the Apple religious zealots say that Steve's doc is biased against Apple.

Most people don't realize the number of things that iOS just can't do.
Nor do they realize tghat for almost everything on Android, there's an app.

The author isn't good at finding apps, as he doesn't even know about this:

BTW, that's ANOTHER thing iOS doesn't have which is a good appsearch
utility that filters on the scores of things users want to filter on. 

I think it's a good document because it _tries_ to outline what the
functional differences are (which are many) especially given Apple spends
probably many millions to make people think Apple does things it doesn't.

The biggest failing, as I see it, are two fold, one on each platform:
a. On the Apple side, it touts what turns out to be Apple marketing crap
b. On the Android side, it ignores that Android can do almost everything

I think both are based on the author's ignorance but he's actually a user
of both platforms daily (as am I) so he does know more than most people do.

The author knows more than I do on some things (like bluetooth and eSIMs
and codecs) as do you - so as a team of people - we could make it better.

I just wish the author would listen to what you and I said to improve it.