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From: Arthur Lipscomb <>
Subject: Re: What Did You Watch? 2024-05-16 (Thursday)
Date: Fri, 17 May 2024 14:37:33 -0700
Organization: A noiseless patient Spider
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On 5/17/2024 8:12 AM, Ian J. Ball wrote:
> On 5/17/24 1:30 AM, Ubiquitous wrote:
>> What did you watch?
> I ran quite late at work yesterday, and didn't get home until about 7pm, 
> so all I got through was:
> soaps: GH - Wed's ep. This was mostly a snooze, at it was the lead-up to 
> Brook Lynn's and Chase's wedding, and basically everything was all 
> lovey-dovey (e.g. Brooke Lynn and Tracy shared a nice moment together). 
> But, at the end, Gregory started trying to officiate the wedding, but 
> seemed to have an ALS attack - that was the cliffhanger.
> My Nanny Stole My Life (LMN) - I have to give them credit - they fooled 
> me on this one. This played out for most of its run like it's exactly 
> what you think it is (the ads even strongly implied it), but they throw 
> a serious wrench into things at the end.
>     I did not like that, for about the 20 minutes before the film's 
> mid-point, the "heroine" in this one (Katerina Eichenberger) laid down 
> and took it, when both before and after this she was so sure she was 
> right about the nanny's (Caroline Codd) EVOL!!1! and that she wasn't crazy.
>     I also didn't care for the obvious misdirection of the nanny taking 
> on the heroine's *exact look* (why hide Codd's beautiful red hair under 
> a wig?!!) - in every other Lifetime flick with this trope, when the 
> "EVOL girl" takes on the exact same look as the heroine, it's a sure bet 
> that she's a psycho killer out to "replace" the heroine!!
>     Finally, the husband (Jonathan Stoddard) was such an unsupportive 
> dope throughout this that I was hoping the heroine would dump his ass at 
> the end!
>     But, overall, I enjoyed this one, even if the ending did seem like a 
> ginormous bait-and-switch.
> What did you watch?

This will be a multi-day catch up.  After clearing DVR space by 
deleting a lot of stuff including the entire season of "Elsbeth" 
unwatched, I watched:

Bridge to the Sun (TCM) - I didn't technically watch this.  It was one 
of the things I deleted to free up space.  But I did watch a few scenes 
as I skipped ahead in 5 minute jumps and was able to gleam pretty much 
the entire movie.  TCM ran a marathon of movies set in Japan.  I 
recorded all of them, but this is the only one I sampled before 
deleting.  It's a a 1961 drama about an American woman who marries the 
Japanese ambassador right before Pearl Harbor is bombed.  She then moves 
to Japan and lives out WWII with her husband and young daughter.  I 
watched probably less than 5 minutes of actual footage but I'm pretty 
sure I followed the entire movie with what I did see.  I got caught up 
and was tempted to watch the whole movie.

Law & Order - "In Harm's Way" - In what I guess was the season finale, 
the new DA is targeted for assassination.  Mostly background noise.

Star Trek: Discovery (Paramount+) "Labyrinths" - Discovery visits an 
archive of universal knowledge with the Breen hot on their tails. 
Meh!!!  Two observations.  First, I would have really liked to have seen 
the archive be armed to the teeth and easily able to knock the Breen 
around.  And second, what's with the Discovery sets all on fires as if 
the interior of the ship was made of kindling wood.  What exactly is 
burning on that ship and why?

X-Men 97 (Disney+) - "Tolerance Is Extinction" Part 3.  Season finale. 
If you watch the show, stick around for a post credit scene.

If (theatrical) New fantasy movie written and directed by John 
Krasinski.  Kransinki also plays the father of a 12-year girl who has to 
stay with her grandmother (Fiona Shaw who I instantly recognized from 
the Super Mario Bros. movie and somehow never noticed that before in all 
the years I watched her play Mrs. Dursley in the Harry Potter movies). 
The young girl soon discovers she has the ability to see the forgotten 
imaginary friends of other children and sets out to find them new homes. 
  I guess it was OK.  Elna Erlabyqf nyfb fgnef va gur zbivr nf ure 
hcfgnvef arvtuobe jub sbe ernfbaf gung ur arire rkcynvarq, pna nyfb frr 
gur vzntvanel sevraqf.  V pbhyqa'g  uryc ohg abgvpr sebz gur zbzrag ur 
jnf svefg ba fperra gung uvf punenpgre arire vagrenpgf jvgu nalbar bgure 
guna gur lbhat tvey.  Rira jura fur'f bhg va choyvp jvgu uvz, ab bar 
rire gnyxf gb uvz be npxabjyrqtrf uvf cerfrapr.  V whfg xrcg guvaxvat gb 
zlfrys V'ir jngpurq gur Fvkgu Frafr.  V xabj jurer guvf vf urnqrq...