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From: Richard Damon <richard@damon-family.org>
Newsgroups: comp.theory
Subject: Re: Olcott is a Liar!
Date: Fri, 17 May 2024 21:07:04 -0400
Organization: i2pn2 (i2pn.org)
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On 5/17/24 12:34 PM, olcott wrote:

> The key thing to note is that no D correctly simulated by any H of
> every H/D pair specified by the template below ever reaches its own
> line 06 and halts.

Which, since I posted over two weeks ago how to do it in C, means that 
you don't have the needed knowledge of the C programming language, or 
about what truth actually is.

And the fact that you refuse to take up any of my challenges to have me 
repost the link (because you clearly prefer to just lie rather that try 
to do some research) it is clear that you are not actually certain of 
your claim, so you know you may be lying, but you do it anyway.

And you are proven to just be an ignorant damned pathological liar.

> There are several correct diagnostic messages, what one are you suggesting?

If there are correct diagnostic messages, then your code is not "C" code.