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From: FPP <>
Subject: Re: When They Tell You Who They Are...
Date: Sat, 18 May 2024 10:57:00 -0400
Organization: Ph'nglui Mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh Wgah'nagl Fhtagn.
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On 5/18/24 5:48 AM, trotsky wrote:
> On 5/18/24 4:40 AM, trotsky wrote:
>> On 5/18/24 2:41 AM, FPP wrote:
>>> On 5/13/24 6:02 AM, trotsky wrote:
>>>> On 5/11/24 6:31 AM, FPP wrote:
>>>>> On 5/10/24 4:55 PM, BTR1701 wrote:
>>>>>> ..and what they're about, believe them.
>>>>>> In their own words:
>>>>> Now do Project 2025.  Because that's a lot scarier, and a lot more 
>>>>> possible.
>>>> Possible?  Yes.  Probable?  No.  There will never be a time where 
>>>> these guys don't look like the Keystone Kops.
>>> You haven't been paying enough attention.  These guys aren't playing 
>>> around.  There are some very capable people behind this movement.
>>> This isn't the MAGA clown show.  It's serious people with very 
>>> serious money.
>> I don't doubt this for a second, but it's still the party of Trump and 
>> Marjorie Taylor Spleen.  Moreover it hasn't been that long since the 
>> Kock bros. were the hideously rich puppet masters, what became of 
>> that. I believe erring on the side of caution will always be the right 
>> thing to do but I also don't like ascribe too much credibility to a 
>> bunch of disgusting fucking losers regardless of how much money they 
>> have. Epstein had a lot of money too and where is he now?  Licking 
>> Satan's balls in hell.
> Looks like Media Bias/Fact Check gave it a medium credibility rating so 
> make of that what you will:

What I make is that if Trump gets back into office, he's never, ever 
leaving.  And project 2025 will give him control over every aspect of 
the Federal government, and the military and the markets and the media.
What else does a dictator need?

FCC will control the media.  No more free press.
He'll have the Fed, so monetary policy is his.
He'll have the military, and they'll be in OUR streets.
He'll have the DOJ and the courts.

If this 2025 thing works, we are no longer a democracy.
There just isn't any room for error here.  This is going all in, and 
we'd better win, or else.

"Thou shalt not make a machine in the likeness of a man’s mind." - OC 
Bible  25B.G.

Gracie, age 6.