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Path: ...!!!!.POSTED!not-for-mail
From: "Adam H. Kerman" <>
Subject: Re: More on Canadia's Orwellian 'Online Harms Law'
Date: Sun, 19 May 2024 00:32:23 -0000 (UTC)
Organization: A noiseless patient Spider
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BTR1701 <> wrote:

>This just gets nuttier and nuttier as well as more and more ominous for 
>anyone who is a mapleback. Effa's so worried about Trump's dictatorial 
>potential but Trump ain't got nothin' on Justin Trudeau's dictatorial 
>reality. He's actually managed to work in *both* pre-crime penalties 
>*and* ex-post facto law into the same bill. That's an achievement I 
>don't think even Stalin and Mao managed to accomplish:

>     The C-63 legislation authorizes house arrest and
>     electronic monitoring for a person considered likely
>     to commit a future crime. If a judge believes there
>     are reasonable grounds to 'fear' a future hate crime,
>     the as of yet innocent party can be sentenced to house
>     arrest, complete with electronic monitoring, mandatory
>     drug testing, and communication bans. Failure to
>     cooperate nets you an additional year in jail.

>     What is a hate crime? According to the Bill, it is a
>     communication expressing 'detestation or vilification'.
>     But, clarified the government, that is not the same as
>     'disdain or dislike', or speech that 'discredits,
>     humiliates, hurts, or offends'.

I expect to be deported to Canadia any day now for, er, detestation.

>     Unfortunately the government didn't think to include a
>     graduated scheme setting out the relative acceptability
>     of the words offend, hurt, humiliate, discredit, dislike,
>     disdain, detest, and vilify. Under Bill C-63, you can
>     be put away FOR LIFE for a 'crime' whose legal existence
>     hangs on the distinction between 'dislike' and 'detest'.

Good heavens, and I say that with both dislike and detest.

>And if that's not fucking terrifying enough, as mentioned above, Trudeau 
>has also added a retroactive ex-post facto feature to the bill:

>     Canada to Imprison Anyone Who Has EVER Posted 'Hate
>     Speech' Online

>     The Trudeau regime has introduced an Orwellian new aspect
>     to C-63 (The Online Harms Bill), which will give police the
>     power to retroactively search the internet for 'hate speech'
>     violations and arrest offenders, even if the offense occurred
>     BEFORE the law even existed.

Cool. I look forward to Canadia repealing Magna Carta too.

>If you don't thank every day whatever higher power you believe in that 
>you live in a country whose founders not only gave us the Constitution 
>but anticipated shitbags like Justin Trudeau and preemptively blocked 
>them from being able to do bullshit like this, then you and I have no 
>common frame of reference.