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Path: ...!!!!!!!panix!!dannyb
From: danny burstein <>
Subject: Florida, too, was: : A Jussie Smollett production
Date: Sun, 19 May 2024 04:15:25 -0000 (UTC)
Organization: PANIX Public Access Internet and UNIX, NYC
Message-ID: <v2buct$ic2$>
References: <v28j1b$2ch4d$>
Injection-Date: Sun, 19 May 2024 04:15:25 -0000 (UTC)
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Bytes: 3351
Lines: 60

[see my note at end]

In <v28j1b$2ch4d$> "Adam H. Kerman" <> writes:

>I have no idea if the Osundairo brothers auditioned for these parts.

>Foreign nationals who are crime victims and witnesses to crime qualify
>for visas to prevent them from being deported as their testimony is
>needed for trial. This is a U-visa.

>Charges against six, er, actors have been filed in federal court. They
>were staging armed robberies -- hiring actors and everything -- so that
>the illegal alien "witnesses" could be issued U-visas.

>The conspiracy also took place in Tennessee.


Hey, everyone, remember how Goc. DeSantis [R-FL] flew those foreign
migrants from Texas to Martha's Vineyard?



DeSantis' Immigration Stunt Didn't Go Entirely as Planned

The Florida governor tried to exploit the migrants for political gain. 
Instead, he bought them more time in the US.

Whatever happened to the 49 migrants who were flown from Texas to 
Martha's Vineyard by Florida Governor Ron DeSantis in 2022? Pawns 
in an elaborate scheme to elevate the anti-immigrant bonafides 
of the ambitious governor, it seemed as if they had landed among 
the forgotten souls sidelined by the media's short memory.

But last month, in what may go down as one of the greatest ironies 
of political theater in
recent memory, the US government quietly gave eight of them special 
legal protection. The rest are expected to get it soon. 
The reason for the special treatment: DeSantis' team may have 
committed a crime when it lured the migrants to the isolated 
island. The finding, made by a Texas sheriff after a nine-month 
investigation last year, made the migrants eligible for 
special U visas issued by US Citizenship and Immigration Services 
that protect them from deportation and allow them to work in 
the US legally.

So, here's where we are: A governor used taxpayer money to exploit 
vulnerable people for political gain, and the victims instead ended 
up receiving enhanced legal protections. 

Knowledge may be power, but communications is the key 
[to foil spammers, my address has been double rot-13 encoded]