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From: Arthur Lipscomb <>
Subject: Re: What Did You Watch? 2024-05-17 (Friday)
Date: Sun, 19 May 2024 07:04:06 -0700
Organization: A noiseless patient Spider
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On 5/18/2024 12:39 PM, anim8rfsk wrote:
> Ian J. Ball <ijball@mac.invalid> wrote:
>> Yesterday was a day for chores, work, and rest. So I didn't get through
>> much TV:
>> What did you watch?
> Hey, thanks for asking!
> BLUE BLOODS season 14 season finale
> Covered elsewhere.
> An incredibly awful World War II submarine adventure, movie with Frankie
> Avalon singing up a storm. At least he gets hit in the head for it like he
> did voyage to the bottom of the sea.

This can't possibly be a real movie!  LOL

> It’s almost all stock footage except for some people that mostly can’t act
> running around in cardboard sets that are supposed to be the inside of a
> submarine.
> They go on a black-and-white mission to deliver some commandos to blow up
> something. It doesn’t make a whole lot of sense.  The middle half of the
> movie is the commandos on an island that just happens to have friendly
> natives that don’t speak English and beautiful native girls that don’t
> speak English. The evil Japs are coming by a patrol boat. Since they never
> get out of the patrol boat, I don’t know why you couldn’t just hide behind
> a tree. Anyway our heroes get the native girls to get naked (after tab
> hunter avails himself of one of their charms) and lure in the patrol boat
> so they can ambush and kill the japs and the Japs retaliate by machine
> gunning the naked girls to death. The lead island native girl is played by
> a big breasted Hungarian.
> Anyway, along the way, Frankie has multiple song inserts using color
> footage for the background, but super imposing the people in
> black-and-white in the foreground.
> The credits looked to be stock footage or leftover footage from some of the
> beach party movies while William Shatner (!) Narrates how 10 years after
> this movie we started dropping hydrogen bombs until there was no bikini at
> all
> So they decided to do an episode they could knock out in an afternoon with
> the doctor standing on a landline. None of it made sense. The landmine is
> going to destroy half the planet and he’s trying to get the companion to
> back away a couple inches so she won’t get hurt. 

At the time he hadn't yet figured out the bomb was tied to his DNA and 
would blow up half the planet.

There are ghosts who are
> completely eradicated and yet in one of the last scenes one is standing
> there looking at the planet in the sky. The companion is all amazed because
> this is the first time she’s been to a planet other than earth except you
> know for the other times.

I guess space stations don't count.  Or they are showing the episodes 
out of order.

> Next week we get the old woman that people are speculating is Susan.

Finally answers!