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From: Andrew <>
Subject: Re: Additions to the iOS/Android Features Document
Date: Sun, 19 May 2024 20:07:51 -0000 (UTC)
Organization: BWH Usenet Archive (
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Jolly Roger wrote on 19 May 2024 19:32:25 GMT :

> A device with an SD card slot can store things on an SD card - something
> iPhone users couldn't care less about. The only reason you are obsessing
> about SD cards is because Apple chooses not to add SD card slots on
> iPhones. It's your weak attempt at trolling, as usual.

All my APKs (every app, every version) are automatically stored on my sd
card at the time of installation, Jolly Roger, such that I can repopulate
any other Android on the planet simply by popping the card into that phone.

Can an iPhone do that?

I have my homescreen backed up to the sd card, Jolly Roger, with all folder
names and locations, and all app shortcut names and locations Jolly Roger,
so everything is on the phone if the phone needs to be factory reset and
everything is portable to another phone should I want to populate it.

Can an iPhone do that?

I can easily double or triple the internal storage capacity for my media
and data files using an inexpensive sd card any time that sd get better
over time - thereby extending the useful life of any phone with sd cards. 

Can an iPhone do that?

The fact is an iPhone is nothing but a dumb terminal that can't do half of
that while the other half requires logging into Apple's mainframe servers.

           iPhone === dumb terminal