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Path: ...!eternal-september.org!feeder3.eternal-september.org!news.eternal-september.org!.POSTED!not-for-mail
From: "Adam H. Kerman" <ahk@chinet.com>
Newsgroups: rec.arts.tv
Subject: Re: Schenck lives! UK high court skeptical that Assange's rights would be protected in US trial
Date: Mon, 20 May 2024 21:41:23 -0000 (UTC)
Organization: A noiseless patient Spider
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danny burstein <dannyb@panix.com> wrote:
>Adam H. Kerman <ahk@chinet.com> writes:


>>Somebody is playing games by overwhelming you with shit, hoping you'll
>>miss the information critical to your missing that they refused to
>>highlight out of bureaucratic rivalry.

>>I'm sure somebody in some intelligence agency somewhere routinely
>>classified works of history and fiction too.

>Take it up with the folk working at The American Literary
>Historical Society.

>(esp. with one of my previously referenced, high quality,
>drool worthy, unobtanable fantasy gals...)

>(no, not Faye Dunaway - although I wouldn't close
>the door on her.  But [rot-13] Gvan Pura)

Heh. I hope everyone gets the reference.


>>I'm sure you've read that would-be whistleblowers, wanting to reveal
>>wrongdoing, are told by investigators on the appropriate Congressional
>>committee to take their evidence to the Inspector General because
>>revealing it to anybody else can get them charged with felony theft of
>>government property for starters.

>Aren't there some specific (but limited) carve-outs for
>bringing material to your Congressional rep?

None whatsoever.

>I remember
>a bunch of Air Force folk were initially going to
>get skewered for bringing serious aircraft problems [a]
>to Congress, and that shit got torn apart.

>[a] Don't recall the specifics.  Sotty

They could have gotten prosecuted.