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From: <bp@www.zefox.net>
Newsgroups: comp.sys.raspberry-pi
Subject: Re: Setting a manual IP address
Date: Wed, 22 May 2024 00:47:59 -0000 (UTC)
Organization: A noiseless patient Spider
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Anssi Saari <anssi.saari@usenet.mail.kapsi.fi> wrote:
> <bp@www.zefox.net> writes:
>> At the same time, I'd like to enable a second connection using an
>> ethernet-to-WiFi bridge on eth0 using something like
>> auto eth0
>> iface eth0 inet static
>>         address
>>         gateway
>> Is that all it takes? Presently both /etc/network/interfaces
>> and /etc/network/interfaces.d are empty.
> Those files are used by ifupdown which is a package you can
> install. It's the Debian default even today but I don't think Raspios
> follows that. In fact, as I recall, earlier they had a strange
> hodgepodge script launched by the DHCP client and then I think they
> moved to NetworkManager.
> So if you want specific help, always mention Raspios version.
Well, uname -a reports:
Linux raspberrypi 6.1.21-v8+ #1642 SMP PREEMPT Mon Apr  3 17:24:16 BST 2023 aarch64 GNU/Linux

I can't find anything that reports a plain-language name, and unfortunately
don't remember what was installed/upgraded since the system was set up,
apparently in 2022. The "about raspi-config" menu metions:
Version: 20231012~bullseye but I'm not entirely sure that's
the system name. If there's an "about this computer" command hidden
somewhere please clue me in.

> Anyways, just adding stuff to /etc/network/interfaces isn't going to do
> anything and if you go and install ifupdown it might screw up your
> network setup. So I'd work with whatever you have and add the ethernet
> connection there. Or if it's just for experimentation all you need to do
> is to run ifconfig and route or the newer ip commands for same.

The intent for now is just experimentation, but internal WiFi performance
has degraded noticeably in the last couple of years, I think because of
interference. If adding an ethernet-wifi bridge with a bigger, moveable 
antenna helps I might want to make it permanent. 

Thanks for the cautionary  advice

bob prohaska