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Path: ...!!!!.POSTED!not-for-mail
From: Alan <>
Subject: Re: Additions to the iOS/Android Features Document
Date: Wed, 22 May 2024 09:33:00 -0700
Organization: A noiseless patient Spider
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On 2024-05-22 09:27, Andrew wrote:
> -hh wrote on Wed, 22 May 2024 11:07:01 -0400 :
>>> Which is irrelevant.
>> Indeed.  All that saying that ~95% of Android products have moved along
>> to current design philosophies, while the last 5% haven't.
> You missed the point of having choices that Apple never gives users
> (mainly because there are few companies as anti-consumer as Apple is).

And yet Apple has incredible consumer loyalty...

>> It would take
>> some more research to determine if these holdouts are actually still in
>> production (and for what market segment) or if they're now down to "New
>> Old Stock" that's still available for sale.
> Those were phones on sale at the time that the search was run.
> What's relevant is if you're on Android & you want an sd card or an aux
> jack or an FM radio, you can extremely easily find a model today with them,
> (since about half of Android phones sold today have one or more of them).

And yet people keep buying iPhones and replacing them with iPhones when 
they change phones.

> Unfortunately, it also means that if you want a user-removable battery,
> then your choices are severely limited.
> But it also shows Android hardware is always better than iPhone hardware
> (because Apple gives you no choice for any of those 4 hardware features).