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From: *skriptis <>
Newsgroups: edm.general,,,
Subject: Re: Strengthening our movement in times of crisis: a historic task
 of the Palestinian liberation movement
Date: Thu, 23 May 2024 09:29:35 +0200 (GMT+02:00)
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Tyrone <none@none.none> Wrote in message:
> The war that was started by muslim animals.

Mistake #1

Palestinians are people, not animals, and some are Christians, so not all a=
re Moslems.

It's Jew aggression and theft of land against people who are Moslems, Chris=
tians, Druze or whatever.

Example of Christ killing Jews destroying church in Gaza and killing Christ=

Destruction of a Historic Gaza Church Deemed a =E2=80=98War Crime=E2=80=99 =
in New Legal Filing

Mistake #2

The "problems" in that part of the world started in late 19th century when =
zionists began to colonize already inhabited land.=20

The process amplified following ww1 and then even more following ww2.

Hundreds of thousands of people even millions moving into small pieces of d=

You don't think it caused problems with the original inhabitants?

Of course, Jews are sneaky, they like to play with the words, in their mind=
s, and how their propaganda works, it's them who are "original" inhabititan=
s, Jews have been colonizing that land, citing some historical right, claim=
ing they "lived" there 1900 years ago.

Even if true, if you could somehow preserve exact genes while wandering for=
 2 thousands of years, people who lived in Palestine continuously are the r=
eal originals.

That's regarding "problems".

And if we want to talk strictly in legal matters, day 0 is 1967 when intern=
ationally recognized state of Israel moved outside of its borders and occup=
ied someone else's land and subjugated those people.

Occupation is something very bad. It's a military rule.

Paris was occupied 1940-1944. German generals did whatever they liked.

Berlin was occupied 1945-1949. Allied generals did whatever they liked.

You see, occupations are not meant to last long. They're either during wart=
ime or as some sort of punishment and reconstruction in post war period.

Germans gave Hitler to the world and they were punished with 4-year occupat=
ion, 1945-1949 at which point German state was restored (2 in fact but neve=
rtheless military occupation ended).

Palestinians live under occupation since 1967. Bastardly Israel didn't even=
 annex them as they would have to give civil rights, passports, protection =
under courts and so on.

You see, people tend to become desperate when they're occupied for more tha=
n 54 years...

> Israel is going to wipe them out. It will be pretty hard for the U.N. to =
vote on "Palestine being admitted tothe U.N." when there are no "Palestinia=
ns" left on the planet.

The so called two-state solution will never be implemented because Jews don=
't want it, as you've just admitted. They have other goals.

The best proposal came from Iran.
Israel needs to be dismantled and new state created with equal rights for a=


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