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From: Andrew <>
Subject: Re: How will the police find me.
Date: Sat, 25 May 2024 14:25:00 -0000 (UTC)
Organization: BWH Usenet Archive (
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Chris wrote on Sat, 25 May 2024 13:22:34 -0000 (UTC) :

>> Assessment of that fact:
>>  Those accident rate reports are accurate.
> Based on what? How are you defining accuracy? Is it post hoc justification
> because those numbers match your bias?

You're the one with the "bias" becsaue you quoted zero facts.

Unlike you, I've said many times that I too would have believed the ignrant
myth about cellphones & accident rates had I not checked the facts in the
reliable records like any well-trained scientist should do,.

I know the facts.
You are just guessing.

Hence, you're the one holding on to the myth without checking the facts.

People who are not ignorant & uneducated *have* looked at the myth though.

Look at the US Census Accident Rate statistics by year, for example.

What do you see, Chris?

Look at first-order effects, Chris... i.e., the accident rate per year.

What do you see happening during the skyrocketing cellphone days, Chris?

HINT: Accident rates trending down were wholly unaffected by cellphones.