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From: Ross Clark <>
Newsgroups: sci.lang
Subject: First printed catalogue of library holdings published (24-5-1595)
Date: Sun, 26 May 2024 22:34:33 +1200
Organization: A noiseless patient Spider
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"Nomenclator autorum omnium, quorum libri vel manuscripti, vel typis 
expressi exstant in Bibliotheca Academiae Lugduno-Batavae" (list of all 
the authors whose books, whether manuscript or printed, are available in 
Leiden University Library).

"A contemporary print shows large folio volumes laid our on twenty-two 
shelves, and grouped into themes: theology, literature, philosophy, 
mathematics, history, medicine and law. Each book was chained to a rod 
above a slanting shelf, so that readers were able to tilt them out, 
consult them, but not remove them."

It's also the birthday of Queen Victoria (24-5-1819), a public holiday 
in Canada, officially "Victoria Day", but when I was young it was 
"Queen's Birthday", and considered the "official" birthday of the 
reigning monarch.

New Zealand has a similar fictitious "King's/Queen's Birthday" public 
holiday, which is not far off -- first Monday in June.