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From: "Adam H. Kerman" <>
Subject: Re: 143 House Dems Approve Giving Illegals Voting Rights
Date: Sun, 26 May 2024 19:19:28 -0000 (UTC)
Organization: A noiseless patient Spider
Lines: 62
Message-ID: <v30200$3hg56$>
References: <> <> <v3003g$3h5er$> <>
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BTR1701 <> wrote:
>Adam H. Kerman <> wrote:
>>BTR1701 <> wrote:
>>>FPP <> wrote:
>>>>5/26/24 4:20 AM, The Horny Goat wrote:
>>>>>Sat, 25 May 2024 09:41:51 -0400, FPP <> wrote:

>>>>>>Another fucking lie. Nobody voted to allow any illegals to vote.
>>>>>>Since when are people wanting to become citizens equal to letting
>>>>>>illegals vote?

>>>>>>This has always how we've allowed non-citizens to become citizens.
>>>>>>It's perfectly legal, and normal.

>>>>>>Even your buddy, Rapey, presided over making immigrants naturalized

>>>>>The difference is of course that we're talking about ILLEGALS - not
>>>>>those who were admitted through the legal immigration system.

>>>>>The latter have always been eligible at some point for naturalization
>>>>>(which is what's required to gain the vote) the former never have.

>>>>>My late father was an American who became naturalized in Canada - he
>>>>>never voted before his naturalization, he always did afterwards at
>>>>>least until his final encounter with Alzheimers.

>>>>Thanny was talking about Schumer.
>>>>Schumer didn't say the word "illegal".

>>>No, Shit Shoes, this thread has nothing to do with Schumer. I'm talking 
>>>about congressional Democrats voting to repeal a DC law that prohibits 
>>>non-citizens from voting.

>>Are you sure? I thought the DC law allowing non-citizens to vote and run
>>for local office had passed the DC council in 2022 and was in effect. As
>>far as I know, any immigrant would benefit from its provisions regardless
>>of green card status.

>>The House voted to repeal the law. 210 Republicans plus 52 Democrats voted
>>"yes" to repeal the law; 143 Democrats voted "no", to sustain the law.

>You're right. I got it reversed.

>But the point remains. My comments here had nothing to do with Schumer.

It's easy to confuse Hakeem Jeffries with Chuck Schumer. They look just
alike. Not everybody can remember back to civics lessons in elementary
school in which we learned about Congress, a branch of government, having
a bicameral legislature. Have some sympathy for Fred Phelps.

>>>>He's lying about Democrats wanting to get illegals to vote.

I didn't look up the DC law, but I believe there was no check of
immigration status, legal or illegal. Fred Phelps lied here.

>>>If they don't want foreign nationals voting in our elections, why did 
>>>143 Democrats vote to repeal a law that prohibits foreign nationals from 
>>>voting in our elections?

>>They voted "no", to sustain the law allowing non-citizens to vote and to
>>be eligible for local office.