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Path: ...!!!!.POSTED!not-for-mail
From: moviePig <>
Subject: Re: World Dracula Day
Date: Mon, 27 May 2024 16:31:55 -0400
Organization: A noiseless patient Spider
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On 5/27/2024 3:22 PM, anim8rfsk wrote:
> anim8rfsk <> wrote:
>> May 26, in honor of the publication of the original novel.
>> What will you watch to celebrate?
>> I’ve got the Dan Curtis/Jack Palance version going right now with music
>> from dark shadows. It’s a pretty good and a pretty faithful adaptation.
>> Available on the Peacock, it’s a good copy in 16:9 with the ads front
>> loaded so it runs uninterrupted.
>> Next up, I found the excellent 1977 Louis Jourdon version on the gray.
> Asking the DVR to show me movies with Dracula in the title return 120 hits!
> I tried to watch the animated Batman and Dracula, but it was far too poorly
> made.
> Same notation for the 1992 Coppola version.
> I hadn’t suffered through it since opening night in the theater. I was
> laughing at the massive ineptitude and cringing at the parent intentional
> stupidity. What a terrible terrible movie at every level.
>  From the writing (“he went to face a hoard from which he might never
> return!” Wait, what?) To the acting to the laughable costumes (red plastic
> kabuki armor? Really?) To Mike Magnola’s idiot, giant penis castles.
> I remember being incensed at them, trying to sell it as a faithful version
> and all the movie reviewers who are too stupid to read buying into it. Much
> of it is stolen from the Jack Palance version and some from the Louis
> Jordan version as well.
> The one thing all these films have in common is that they get the year it
> takes place wrong.
> Abbott and Costello Meet Frankenstein gave me both my black-and-white and
> my Bela Lugosi as Dracula fixes.
> DRACULA, 2000
> “The first Dracula movie of the 21st-century! The first Dracula movie of
> the new millennium!“ Screamed the advertisements!
> Idiots.
> I like this movie. And it’s the first time I’ve ever seen it in the correct
> aspect ratio all the way through! They usually run just the titles
> widescreen and then zoom in for the movie itself.
> And, Jennifer Esposito at her very hottest!
> The were an incredible number of mashup offered to me (Bonnie and Clyde
> meet Dracula?) But none of them were free.

"Bonnie and Clyde", hmm.  Must be the sequel to "Billy the Kid"...