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From: Andrew <>
Subject: Re: ebook-reader permissions - no explanation given
Date: Tue, 28 May 2024 11:37:05 -0000 (UTC)
Organization: BWH Usenet Archive (
Message-ID: <v34fl0$2lmh$>
References: <v32mbn$65ro$> <v341jk$2o71$> <v3445v$h104$> <v346v1$ttn$> <v34bcj$i65i$>
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R.Wieser wrote on Tue, 28 May 2024 12:24:05 +0200 :

>> I'm not sure how the app is working with all those permissions revoked.
> Just think of those MEDIA thingies as resources loaded by a webpage.  Block 
> them, and only the text will be there. Which, for the ebooks I'm reading, 
> isn't a problem.

I'm not sure what was happening, but it may be important to note that I
downloaded the epub files from Windows and merely copied them to the
sdcard, where, without asking for permissions, the epub reader found them.

>> Also I'm not sure why the app doesn't even *ask* me for any permissions.
> It probably tries to, but its request gets blocked (your app manager?) 
> before it reaches the OS (which would than show the permissions dialogs).

I don't know. There was no request for permissions, and yet, the epub
reader found the EPUB & PDF files on a folder on my external sdcard.

>> My suggestion is you install Muntashirakon App Manager
> I'm first going to see if the Graphene OS already has that covered.  I just 
> found something about "storage scopes".
> Still no idea why it needs that "read phone status and identity" permission 
> though. Lets hope it will work with it blocked.
> Ah...  I just realized it /could/ be to freeze sounds and/or movies inside 
> an ebook when a call comes in.  Though in that case that permission is *way* 
> to broad.

It was odd that no permissions were ever requested, but that's why I would
like others to test it out as maybe it's just the way my Android is set up.