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From: Andrew <>
Subject: Re: ebook-reader permissions - no explanation given
Date: Tue, 28 May 2024 17:35:40 -0000 (UTC)
Organization: BWH Usenet Archive (
Message-ID: <v354lb$12km$>
References: <v32mbn$65ro$> <v341jk$2o71$> <v3445v$h104$> <v346v1$ttn$> <v34bcj$i65i$> <v34fl0$2lmh$> <co0hikx3he.ln2@Telcontar.valinor> <v34pct$kn94$> <v34tcr$le4a$>
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R.Wieser wrote on Tue, 28 May 2024 17:31:25 +0200 :

> It gives me the feeling that the requested alter-and-delete permission is 
> bogus, something that is there because it cannot be seperated from the read 
> permission.

I manipulate my Android phone from Windows so I was using a mouse when I
just now ran the test below to see what the Book Reader can 'edit'.

In the com.github.axet.bookreader Book Reader, I long pressed on a word
inside an EPUB/PDF to find you can do a bunch of "edits" to the selection.

a. You can stretch both sides of the selection to select more words.
b. Icon 1of4 highlights the selection (where with my mouse buttons
   I was able to change both the transparency & the highlight color).
c. Icon 2of4 brings up the Android sharing menu.
d. Icon 3of4 copies the selected set into your Android clipboard.
e. Icon 4of4 unselects the selected set.
f. The hamburger menu allows you to change the fonts in the book
   where you can also set the font size based on a slider setting.

Notably, I didn't find a "save" button in the Book Reader.
But when I exited the Book Reader & came back, the larger fonts were saved.

The hamburger menu seems to change depending on the action context.