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From: Andrew <>
Subject: Re: ebook-reader permissions - no explanation given
Date: Tue, 28 May 2024 20:04:07 -0000 (UTC)
Organization: BWH Usenet Archive (
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Andy Burns wrote on Tue, 28 May 2024 20:07:38 +0100 :

>> I just looked in Muntashirakon
> I just installed it from github, it says "initialising" displays a large 
> disclaimer screen, with a flickering list of apps behind it, it doesn't 
> respond to "exit", "I agree" or "don't show this again" ...

Oh, I see. I understand. While you can trust me that it's the best, every
once in a while he comes up with a version that doesn't respond. That's
happened twice as I recall, in the past five or so years. So it's rare.

I'm currently using this version, but I just deleted it to test for you.
3.1.3 (426)

Yup. You're right. When I tested the latest version (4.1.6), it hangs.
But this latest version (4.1.6) is only the second time I've seen that.

I always thought it was just me as I interact with my Android over the PC,
but I know exactly what you're saying about it not responding to anything.

Let me find a link to a slightly older version that I know you can use... 

I see they have a 3.1.5 (stable) version, so let me try that.
 io.github.muntashirakon.AppManager Version 3.1.6 (429)
 Name: AppManager_v3.1.6.apk
 Size: 18143386 bytes (17 MiB)
 SHA256: 060023CF508E1DF73DE2305A31465D4DFD0E802581B9B0BACD2FDD3B427A81D5

I noticed they pop up a "funding campaign" which I've never seen before, 
even as I've been using this Muntashirakon app for many (many) years.

But you can just click it away and it doesn't seem to come up twice.
OK. I'm testing Version 3.1.6 (429) and it's working.

Depending on what you want an app manager to do, I doubt anyone will ever
find a better one, as it does a LOT more than you might at first think.

I don't have a GitHub account so I don't know how to let the developer know
he screwed up on the latest version - but version 3.1.6 works fine for me.

Note: It can intercept intents, which is super useful when you're trying to
figure out what any given icon shortcut is "really" doing when you tap it.