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From: olcott <>
Newsgroups: sci.logic,comp.theory
Subject: Re: True on the basis of meaning --- Good job Richard ! ---Socratic
 method MTT
Date: Tue, 28 May 2024 22:54:07 -0500
Organization: A noiseless patient Spider
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On 5/28/2024 10:38 PM, Richard Damon wrote:
> On 5/28/24 10:39 PM, olcott wrote:
>> On 5/28/2024 9:04 PM, Richard Damon wrote:
>>> On 5/28/24 10:59 AM, olcott wrote:
>>>> On 5/28/2024 1:59 AM, Mikko wrote:
>>>>> On 2024-05-27 14:34:14 +0000, olcott said:
>>>>>> ?- LP = not(true(LP)).
>>>>>> LP = not(true(LP)).
>>>>>> ?- unify_with_occurs_check(LP, not(true(LP))).
>>>>>> false.
>>>>>> In other words Prolog has detected a cycle in the directed graph 
>>>>>> of the
>>>>>> evaluation sequence of the structure of the Liar Paradox. Experts 
>>>>>> seem
>>>>>> to think that Prolog is taking "not" and "true" as meaningless and is
>>>>>> only evaluating the structure of the expression.
>>>>> The words "not" and "true" of Prolog are meaningful in some contexts
>>>>> but not above. The word "true" is meaningful only when it has no 
>>>>> arguments.
>>>> That Prolog construes any expression having the same structure as the
>>>> Liar Paradox as having a cycle in the directed graph of its evaluation
>>>> sequence already completely proves my point. In other words Prolog
>>>> is saying that there is something wrong with the expression and it must
>>>> be rejected.
>>> But Prolog doesn't support powerful enough logic to handle the system 
>>> like Tarski and Godel are talking about.
>>> The fact that Prolog just rejects it shows that.
>> Your ignorance is no excuse.
> What ignorance?

The fact that you assert that you know the underlying details of
without even glancing at the documentation and write-up in Clocksin and
Mellish seems to be willful ignorance.

> The fact that I understand the limitation of Prolog and what forms of 
> logic it can do, which seems to be beyond your understanding?
> Claiming that Prolog rejects a statement because it doesn't fit its 
> grammer is meaningless for more complicated logics that don't have that 
> same grammer restricition.
> IF you want to limit the logic you use to what Prolog can handle, go 
> ahead, the rest of the world likes its mathematics.
>>>>> You could try
>>>>> ?- LP = not(true(LP), true(LP).
>>>>> or
>>>>> ?- LP = not(true(LP), not(true(LP)).
>>>>> The predicate unify_with_occurs_check checks whether the resulting
>>>>> sructure is acyclic because that is its purpose. Whether a simple
>>>> Yes exactly. If I knew that Prolog did this then I would not have
>>>> created Minimal Type Theory that does this same thing. That I did
>>>> create MTT that does do this same thing makes my understanding much
>>>> deeper.
>>>>> unification like LP = not(true(LP)) does same is implementation
>>>>> dependent as Prolog rules permit but do not require that. In a
>>>>> typical implementation a simple unification does not check for
>>>>> cycles.
>>>> ISO Prolog implementations have the built-in predicate
>>>> unify_with_occurs_check/2 for sound unification
>>>> Alternatively such expressions crash or remain stuck in infinite loops.
>>>>> Anyway, none of this is relevant to the topic of this thread or
>>>>> topics of sci.logic.
>>>>     ...14 Every epistemological antinomy can likewise be used for
>>>>     a similar undecidability proof...(Gödel 1931:40)
>>>> Gödel, Kurt 1931.
>>>> On Formally Undecidable Propositions of Principia Mathematica And 
>>>> Related Systems
>>>>     It would
>>>>     then be possible to reconstruct the *antinomy of the liar* in the
>>>>     metalanguage, by forming in the language itself a sentence x
>>>>     such that the sentence of the metalanguage which is correlated
>>>>     with x asserts that x is not a true sentence.
>>>> The Liar Paradox and other such {epistemological antinomies} must be
>>>> rejected as type mismatch errors for any system of bivalent logic thus
>>>> cannot be correctly used for any undecidability or undefinability 
>>>> proof.
>>> But you just don't don't understand what was done in those proofs.
>>> Neither of them assumed the Liar's paradox had a truth value. Only 
>>> statements formed from VALID logical sequences in the field.
>>> Please try to show what step in Godel's or Tarski's proof where they 
>>> made a logical error (not just came up with a statement you think 
>>> can't be valid).
>> Tarski's Liar Paradox from page 248
>>     It would then be possible to reconstruct the antinomy of the liar
>>     in the metalanguage, by forming in the language itself a sentence
>>     x such that the sentence of the metalanguage which is correlated
>>     with x asserts that x is not a true sentence.
> Right, He has SHOWN that the logic system, when given the assumption of 
> the existance of the Truth Predicate, can construct the liar as a 
> truth-bearing statement.

Utterly Ridiculous (and you probably don't know it).

Copyright 2024 Olcott "Talent hits a target no one else can hit; Genius
hits a target no one else can see." Arthur Schopenhauer