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From: Andrew <andrew@spam.net>
Newsgroups: misc.phone.mobile.iphone,comp.mobile.android,ca.driving
Subject: Re: It's a myth that cellphone use caused the accident rate to rise in the USA
Date: Thu, 30 May 2024 04:53:37 -0000 (UTC)
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bad💽sector wrote on Sun, 26 May 2024 19:21:04 -0400 :

> They don't even have to be looking at the phone or at any display. I saw 
> one idiot in whose car I was a passenger frequently eyeball two dashcam 
> displays to see if he was recording good clips.

The main message I wanted to communicate is that people believe in myths
that have no basis in fact when you bother to doublecheck the facts.

The myth is that cellphones are so dangerous to use in a vehicle that the
accident rate must have skyrocketed (and then leveled off) during the
period that ownership rates went meteorically from 0% to almost 100%.

And yet... the fact is... nothing happened to the accident rate.