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Path: ...!!!peer03.iad!!!!!!.POSTED!not-for-mail
From: Andrew <>
Subject: Muntashirakon App Manager is, IMHO, by far, the best app manager on Android
Date: Thu, 30 May 2024 06:06:16 -0000 (UTC)
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Latest stable release:

You know that I know tools well, and I state that this is the best
app manager by far, simply because of all the great things it does.

One of the finest things it does, by the way, is create desktop
shortcuts to any public activity - which can be done with other
tools to be sure - but Muntashirakon makes it super easy to do.

Also it intercepts intents, and that is fantastic when you're trying to
figure out what any given icon or activity is really doing on Android.

In addition, it gives you tons of information about each app.
And it misses none (where many app managers missed packages in my tests).

Here's more of what it does for non-rooted Android phones.

 Combines the features of 5 or 6 apps that any tech-savvy person needs.
 Free and open source with no useless permissions requested
 Does not connect to the Internet without explicit permission from the user
 Lists activities, broadcast receivers, services, providers, permissions,
signatures, shared libraries, etc. of any app
 Launch (exportable) activities, create (customizable) shortcuts
 Scans for trackers in apps and lists (all or only) tracking classes (and
their code dump)
 Generates dynamic manifest for any application
 Views app usage, data usage and app storage info
 Apk file sharing (hence the use of a provider)
 Batch operations: clear app data, disable run in background,
disable/kill/uninstall apps
 One-click operations: block ads/tracker components, block components by
signature, block multiple app ops
 And other useful features such as
installing/uninstalling/updating/enabling/disabling apps, displaying app
installation info, opening on F-Droid, Aurora Droid or Aurora Store.