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Path: ...!!!!.POSTED!not-for-mail
From: Chris <>
Subject: Re: It's a myth that cellphone use caused the accident rate
 to rise in the USA
Date: Thu, 30 May 2024 06:34:27 -0000 (UTC)
Organization: A noiseless patient Spider
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Andrew <> wrote:
> If you believe that the accident rate in the USA has shown any direct
> effect (either up or down) due to the tremendously different fact that
> cellphones went from 0% saturation to nearly 100% in only a few years....
> You're not going to find that supposed direct effect in the actual facts.
> If you could, you would have by now.
> Yet you didn't. 
> Because you can't.

That's because you did. 

> Take a look at the accident numbers for the entire world, by country.
> <>

If you select "accidents involving casualties" there clearly is a reversal
in the downward trend around 2010 in the US. The increasing trend continues
until covid and the latest data still shows greater numbers of accidents
since 2004. 

Unsurprisingly - as it's typical of you - you didn't reply to my post where
I said this originally. 

> You can't dispute facts by saying all facts you don't like don't exist.

Likewise, and I've already told you this, absence of evidence is not proof
of evidence of absence.