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From: Justisaur <justisaur@yahoo.com>
Newsgroups: comp.sys.ibm.pc.games.action
Subject: Re: Strategy on the Decline
Date: Thu, 30 May 2024 07:15:36 -0700
Organization: A noiseless patient Spider
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On 5/30/2024 12:44 AM, JAB wrote:
> On 29/05/2024 14:59, Spalls Hurgenson wrote:
>>> This depends.
>>> A local computer shop offers prebuilts that are not bad value at all.
>>> The caveat is they have almost no upgrade path except swapping out the
>>> video card, since they tend to have lower end motherboards and have all
>>> the ram slots filled already.
>>> You are correct if it's brand name junk like Alienware or any other big
>>> name, you get charged $500-1000 just to have their name on it.
>> I agree.
>> My last two PCs were pre-builts. I could have -and in the past/have/-
>> built my own computers, but it's just easier to have somebody else do
>> all the work for me. Will that motherboard fit in the case? Is the
>> cooling sufficient? Etc.
>> But of course, the price was an issue. EVERYONE knows prebuilts are
>> more expensive. But you know what? Not necessarily.
> I haven't bought a pre-built for over twenty years but I think the price 
> margins between them and DIY just aren't the same as before and also now 
> there's lot's of companies that will allow you to pick pretty much the 
> parts you want. That was previously one of the big draws for me.
> I did cheat a little bit with my last upgrade though as I had RAM + CPU 
> pre-installed because installing the CPU is the one bit I never liked 
> doing.

Technically the CPU was never difficult since I've been doing it. 
Really that was the crap heatsink and fan they came with with horrible 
plastic spear like things that are supposed to twist into place but 
never seem to requiring such force that you end up bending the 
motherboard, that and futzing with the thermal paste.

The now available cheap tower heatsink and fan was easy to install and 
had a perfect thermal paste square already applied to it.  (except they 
sent two of the wrong bracket the first time, they sent me the right one 
though fairly quickly, but it did delay me putting the computer together 
a few days - I had bought on amazon.) The current cheap tower heatsinks 
are outperfomring water cooling as well.  I'm really amazed at how great 
these things are and how cheap compared to previous solutions.

To Lane, if you're having heat issues, getting a tower heatsink & fan if 
you don't have one and have the room in your case I'd strongly suggest 
trying that out, or even changing the case to accommodate one, it's just 
that good.  It could be the video card though, I try to check and avoid 
higher voltage cards and get one that uses less power so it's not as 
prone to overheating.  Or could just be bad flow in the case.  You 
probably want to run something that monitors heat like "Core Temp" so 
you can see what is overheating.


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