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Path: ...!!!!!.POSTED!not-for-mail
From: "Adam H. Kerman" <>
Subject: Re: Kamala Outright Lies About Women's Basketball Brackets
Date: Thu, 30 May 2024 16:46:55 -0000 (UTC)
Organization: A noiseless patient Spider
Lines: 43
Message-ID: <v3aahv$1p4fr$>
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BTR1701 <> wrote:
>FPP <> wrote:
>>On 5/29/24 4:19 PM, BTR1701 wrote:

>>>Kamala Harris claimed that women's basketball wasn't even allowed to have
>>>playoff brackets until 2022, when in reality, women's basketball has been
>>>using them since 1982, 42 years.

>>>Kamala herself tweeted out exchanges with her husband in 2021 where they
>>>talked about who they were choosing in their brackets.


>>>Between Biden's almost weekly made-up stories about his past and Kamala
>>>gaslighting us about women's basketball, what the hell is going on in the
>>>White House?

>>Now tell the rest of the story, coward. But you won't, so I'll have to 
>>do it again.

>>>Mediaite reached out to the Vice President's office for clarification and 
>>>was told that Harris did, in fact, misspeak and that she meant to say that 
>>>the use of the "March Madness" copyright was only made available to the 
>>>women's tournament lin 2022.


>"Misspeak". That's politician code for "lie".

It makes no sense. How can the generic concept of playoffs be
copyrighted to begin with? It's not like men's college basketball
invented it either. If the women's version of a sport or another sport
entirely wants to use playoffs, they don't need permission from NCAA.

She compounded the mistake by making yet another error. The only way to
win here is to shut up, because with each new claim, she's buried
herself in it deeper still.

>>Feel better now, Bunky?  She owned up to her mistake and explained it.
>>Something you or any of your Oathkeeper buddies would have the stones
>>to do.

>Just like you refuse to do in the UNRWA thread.