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From: Physfitfreak <>
Newsgroups: sci.physics
Subject: Re: Israeli Faces From Earlier Today :-)
Date: Thu, 30 May 2024 16:52:29 -0500
Organization: Modern Human
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- Houthis brought down yet another MQ-9, and videotaped themselves 
standing on top of it :)  (if Nazis don't remove it)

Another $64 million. And look at the thing... $64 million for that?... I 
bet the cost of making it for the military industrial complex has not 
been more than $100 thousand. $150 thousand max. What a gigantic rip off 
scheme, but the abundant Sheep deserve it. Those "true Americans." Plus 
those Nazi thieves need to have their weekly Las Vegas trips. Who can 
stop such certainties. The Sheep lives with it. They even get 
slaughtered for them, with pride! Absolutely disgusting.

Houthis hit two more ships a couple of days before that and yet another 
one the following day. One was seriously damaged and the other, a Greek 
owned ship, received no less than three hits but somehow kept going. 
Must've used just drones. Some of Houthis drones were also intercepted 
by Americans, which by now, even here in this hellhole, the Sheep should 
know what that means :) Yes, damned even if you intercept them. A 
50-fold loss compared to that of Houthis. I doubt Houthis even suffere 
any losses. They must be financially supported by some Saudis. Entities 
like their "Ben Laden" who have learned their lessons and won't expose 

- Next SCO (shanghai cooperation organization) will be held in Tehran. 
As I've said this before, many non-superpower countries around the world 
attend it as "observers" to figure out a way to join, cause it requires 
relative independence. A bitch doesn't get the permission to join. Iran 
was an observer for years, until last summer she joined it, mainly for 
opportunities with countries other than China and Russia (both also 
members) rather than the superpowers. Iran at this time does not fully 
rely on any superpower in the world, friend or foe, but takes the 
cooperation with other countries of the world very seriously, and this 
is in fact the true value of this vehicle, SCO. And regarding bonds 
between Iran and Russia and China, SCO provides some security and 
exactly that much, Iran's reliance on such superpowers. Never more!

You wouldn't be able to do that with the funky "UN" because it is a 
"bitch" entity. It doesn't truly exist as a decision-making entity. It 
is simply the "bitch" of those with veto power. A very unsafe route to 
rely on.

You obviously can't do that with BRICS alone also, cause it is only the 
bank aspects of economic cooperation. It is there to provide relief for 
the world from the crimes that are committed by the dollar.

Other than China and Russia, with the exception of India, most countries 
that are presently members are within the Greater Iran area. So I wonder 
who planted the original seed :) But membership will expand. Most likely 
(and better be) eastward and southward, geographically.

This "cooperation" is something pretty comprehensive! That's the point. 
Extremely valuable also, as already almost half of the world's 
population are member nations. Imagine the possibilities even right now. 
Also geographically it is larger than the non member states in the 
world. It's just a gigantic plan, making it possible for half of the 
world's people to come to economic, political, and especially military 
agreements and cooperation and real ties. It, alone, in the future, will 
turn the present Global Pests and Nazis into lame little harmless 
bunnies. It isn't just a gathering for trade agreements!

And as I said before, if Iran joined it, there're real reasons to join, 
because it shows that SCO is not just another bullshit organization to 
effectively manipulate others and fool them. It took years of study by 
Iran to make sure SCO has genuine intentions and benefits. In fact, many 
Persian Gulf states as soon as Iran joined, began the steps towards one 
day joining it, because they know Iran. They didn't make such move when 
India joined, or when Pakestan joined. They made the move only when Iran 
joined it.

I think Mongolia and Belarus might be next, but since economic and 
military aspects are involved, Africans will begin coming in. Some of 
the countries within the Greater Iran have yet issues getting accepted 
and have remained just watching the whole thing with drooling mouths 
(shshsh... they're bitches of USA but pretend otherwise, Hehe..), but 
the remaining countries inside Caucasia and in north Africa and perhaps 
even some from eastern Europe will join in after distancing themselves 
from EU and the menace of USA one day, and if they'll be independent 
enough. And eventually Central and South Americans will come in, again, 
if they become independent enough to be able to do it, and independent 
enough to get accepted.

Syria and Iraq have been busy with more immediate problems with Nazis, 
but will certainly some day join. Some of the countries inside Greater 
India also have begun taking steps towards joining one day. Their main 
fear is retaliation of Nazis, which whom they got themselves into 
childishly unwise economic relations. But little by little they'll leave 
Global Pests and will join in.

SCO ties its members in various ways together. BRICS only help them with 
their banking needs. These BRICS members still stay competitors that 
bring down the combined power of those nations the SCO's existence and 
usage. Iran, for instance, is major economic competitor with Russia. The 
two still have the same type of economy (mainly selling natural 
resources), so in their respective ties with China compete with each 
other, cause economy speaks for itself and doesn't understand politics 
or military security if left alone to decide. Look at the shit that 
Americans have created in the world by their defective system. The 
questions and answers are all there.

That's were SCO comes in! Something that cro-magnons couldn't hack. It 
is a Modern Human entity.

SCO ties those member nations together to come to a balanced compromise. 
Even economic competitors will operate in it via three equally 
accessible means. Not just via economic concerns. For instance, Iran has 
since last summer been using military and political bonds and agreements 
with Russia via SCO to create ties with Russia that to a good extent 
honor and safeguard the two's respective economy needs in relation with 
both buyer and seller nations, especially China. They're getting more 
and more cooperators and collaborators than just fierce competitors, 
like how it is with the USA and any other country in the world. SCO does 
it because you can always exchange some degree of security with economic 
gain and vice versa, even if you are Iran and Russia.

That's the power of SCO. It is the first, and only grows in the future.

I discussed all that when Iran at last joined it last summer, but a 
reminder every long while doesn't hurt :) Cause it is damn important for 
the rest of problems in the world.

- A second military (not militia) report about cause of helicopter crash 
has come out. They have determined that the actual destruction of the 
helicopter has been the result of hitting the mountain, not getting shot 
down by a missile or by explosives.

But as I said before, "explosive" doesn't have to destroy the helicopter 
to be effective. Something inside the area of the pilots suddenly 
disabling them for a few seconds, or making them busy with it, is all it 
takes when you are inside fog and flying among mountains on all sides.

The report also examined the repair work and records very closely, and 
ruled out mechanical failures. It stresses their conclusion (so far) 
that everything that went wrong only happened after impact with the 
mountain. Taped messages between the three helicopters indicate that 
after the last communication was made by the middle one, telling others 
to increase altitude to get above the clouds, 69 seconds later the other 
two noticed for the first time that the middle one is missing.

The report also says their work is not finished and more is being 

Stepping back to see the big picture, it really doesn't matter. What's 
done is done. The two (Raisi and Amirabdollahian) had finished their 
main job of allowing Saudi Arabia, Pakestan, and Afghanestan to move 
away from the influence of the Nazis by getting nice safe and reassuring 
economic footsteps with China, at the expense of the Nazis, and to some 
extent the expense of the Iranians' general welfare. In both projects, 
China's first choices were Iran, but ended up forced to go to their 
second choices. This is high politics.

This is beyond the farts that run the USA and/or Europe.

- A bunch of has-beens (or better, has-never-beens) are now trying to 
run for presidency. The ones who haven't attempted to run are the ones 
who know they won't be allowed :) Hehe :) Like Zarif, for instance. But 
the ruder ones like Larijani and Ahmadinezhad are attempting to run for 
the position.

But a few among the candidates do qualify and won't get eliminated from 
the list of men who want to run for the office. There _are_ differences 
of views and methods between them, and people will decide who may work 
better for them.

And I say this right now, that if any of them intends to tell people 
something just to get elected, and then like Raisis and Amriabdollahian 
blow their promises and backstabs them just so some fat rich coward 
Arabs get a bit more nerve in them for saying goodbye to Nazis, they'd 
better be prepared to get killed. The Iranians who want economic 
opportunities with China for Iranians themselves are plenty, and will