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Path: ...!!!!.POSTED!not-for-mail
From: super70s <super70s@super70s.invalid>
Subject: Re: Once Again, the Babylon Bee Predicts the Future
Date: Thu, 30 May 2024 17:04:12 -0500
Organization: A noiseless patient Spider
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On 2024-05-30 21:03:08 +0000, Adam H. Kerman said:

> super70s <super70s@super70s.invalid> wrote:
>> On 2024-05-30 18:13:43 +0000, The Horny Goat said:
>>> Wed, 29 May 2024 21:04:05 -0500, super70s <super70s@super70s.invalid> wrote:
>>>> You don't think anyone other than rock-ribbed wingnuts is going to
>>>> follow a link to the Babble-On Bee do you.
>>> I occasionally go there when I have a yen for satire - but I certainly
>>> wouldn't consider it news.
>>> Hopefully nobody else does either - it's not quite Jonathan Swift but
>>> when it's good it's extremely good satire.
>> It's a rip of The Onion for the rightwing audience.
> Could you please just shut the fuck up and stopping digging your hole
> deeper?

Well look who's here, the self-proclaimed know-it-all of r.a.t. And 
he's bursting a vein again.

> They are specifically Protestant Christian. They satirize
> church and their own religious beliefs too. "Right wing" is a lame
> description. They are religious Christians with conservative politics.
> But mostly, they are comic writers. They are trying to be entertaining
> and to land their jokes. But you wouldn't understand comedy if an anvil
> fell on your head.

"Religious Christians," huh. The most flippant and iconclastic bunch of 
"religious Christians" I've ever seen.

>> But in The Onion's defense how could they play to that audience when
>> 90% of the people who do stupid stuff worth parodying in the real world
>> are on the right.
> I know you are stupid. Do you have to keep proving it?

Jump up my ass you pompous jerk.

> I have nothing in common with the writers. I still read their stuff.

Must have a hard time keeping yourself occupied then.

> They make me smile. It's funny because they fully commit to the comedy.

And you're easily entertained apparently.

> Comedy first, last, and always. I just don't care about the politics of
> the writers.

That's because you're a pretentious simpleton.

> It's simply not for humorless gits like you.

Oh I'm "humorless" because I don't care to read a rightwing rip-off of 
The Onion.