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From: FPP <>
Subject: Re: Kamala Outright Lies About Women's Basketball Brackets
Date: Fri, 31 May 2024 06:32:11 -0400
Organization: Ph'nglui Mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh Wgah'nagl Fhtagn.
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On 5/30/24 2:43 PM, BTR1701 wrote:
> On May 30, 2024 at 10:14:45 AM PDT, "moviePig" <> wrote:
>> On 5/30/2024 12:05 PM, BTR1701 wrote:
>>>   In article <v3a3ra$1o1jk$>, FPP <>
>>>   wrote:
>>>>   On 5/29/24 4:19 PM, BTR1701 wrote:
>>>>>   Kamala Harris claimed that women's basketball wasn't even allowed to have
>>>>>   playoff brackets until 2022, when in reality, women's basketball has been
>>>>>   using them since 1982, 42 years.
>>>>>   Kamala herself tweeted out exchanges with her husband in 2021 where they
>>>>>   talked about who they were choosing in their brackets.
>>>>>   Between Biden's almost weekly made-up stories about his past and Kamala
>>>>>   gaslighting us about women's basketball, what the hell is going on in the
>>>>>   White House?
>>>>   Now tell the rest of the story, coward. But you won't, so I'll have to
>>>>   do it again.
>>>>>   Mediaite reached out to the Vice President's office for clarification and
>>>>>   was told that Harris did, in fact, misspeak and that she meant to say that
>>>>>   the use of the "March Madness" copyright was only made available to the
>>>>>   women's tournament lin 2022.
>>>   Hahahahahahahahahaha!
>>>   "Misspeak". That's politician code for "lie".
>>>>   Feel better now, Bunky?  She owned up to her mistake and explained it.
>>>>   Something you or any of your Oathkeeper buddies would have the stones
>>>>   to do.
>>>   Just like you refuse to do in the UNRWA thread.
>> No, it wasn't a lie ...even for a politician. She didn't deliberately
>> conceal any facts.
> A lie is intentionally saying something untrue. One doesn't have to be also
> concealing facts.

Almost... so close.

> Lying means the misrepresentation of one or more facts in order to gain a benefit or harm another person, where the actor knows or should know that the misrepresentation will be relied upon by another person.

> Lying means making a false or misleading statement or providing false or misleading information with knowledge of its falsity or misleading character or with careless disregard as to its truth or accuracy.

> Lying is an attempt to convey a false impression or is any concealment of facts with the intent to mislead.

So you don't have to actually KNOW for a fact it's untrue.  You just 
have to prove that you SHOULD have known it was untrue.

"Thou shalt not make a machine in the likeness of a man’s mind." - OC 
Bible  25B.G.

Gracie, age 6.