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Path: ...!!!!.POSTED!not-for-mail
From: moviePig <>
Subject: Re: With any luck...
Date: Fri, 31 May 2024 12:54:13 -0400
Organization: A noiseless patient Spider
Lines: 44
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On 5/31/2024 6:53 AM, FPP wrote:
> On 5/31/24 4:21 AM, trotsky wrote:
>> On 5/30/24 10:31 AM, FPP wrote:
>>> On 5/28/24 2:26 PM, trotsky wrote:
>>>> With any luck Trump will be found guilty on all counts today. We've 
>>>> waited long enough.
>>> Maybe Friday... today is really doubtful.  I expect he might be 
>>> guilty on some counts, and skate on others.
>> Well neither of those happened.
>>> But you never know what a jury will do.  Hung juries aren't like you 
>>> see on Teevee.
>>> It's pretty rare... about 6% of the juries hang.  Convictions are 
>>> more than 10 times that.
>> This thing was more or less open and shut.  If only we could expect 
>> jail time to be sentenced.d
> I thought they might convict on the checks he signed, but let him skate 
> on those he didn't.  Juries like to split the difference... so opposing 
> sides all get something.
> Guess there were no opposing sides in the jury room.
> Jail time isn't out of the question.  He could serve weekends, or 
> community service, or house arrest.  Point is, he's going to be punished 
> with something.
> 34 felony counts aren't chickenfeed, and he hasn't demonstrated any 
> remorse.  The opposite, in fact... he's digging himself into a hole.

I favor whatever punishment -- even including none -- has the least 
chance of being seen as a minimization, exoneration, or vendetta.