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Path: ...!!!!!.POSTED!not-for-mail
From: Sharx335 <>
Subject: Re: Casualties
Date: Fri, 31 May 2024 13:11:38 -0600
Organization: A noiseless patient Spider
Lines: 66
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On 2024-05-31 12:53 p.m., The Iceberg wrote:
> On 31/05/2024 19:17, Sharx335 wrote:
>> On 2024-05-31 11:40 a.m., *skriptis wrote:
>>> Sharx335 <> Wrote in message:r
>>>> On 2024-05-31 12:25 a.m., *skriptis wrote:> Sharx335 
>>>> <> Wrote in message:r>> On 2024-05-30 9:06 p.m., 
>>>> NefeshBarYochai wrote:> Casualties> > 36,224 + killed* and at least 
>>>> 81,777 wounded in the Gaza Strip.*> > 520+ Palestinians killed in 
>>>> the occupied West Bank and East> Jerusalem.**> > Israel revised its 
>>>> estimated October 7 death toll down from 1,400 to> 1,139.> > 636 
>>>> Israeli soldiers have been announced killed since October 7, and> at 
>>>> least 3,568 have been announced as wounded.***> > *Gaza’s Ministry 
>>>> of Health confirmed this figure on its Telegram> channel on May 26, 
>>>> 2024. Some rights groups estimate the death toll to> be much higher 
>>>> when accounting for those presumed dead.> > ** The death toll in the 
>>>> West Bank and Jerusalem is not updated> regularly. According to the 
>>>> PA’s Ministry of Health on May 26, this is> the latest figure.> > 
>>>> *** These figures are released by the Israeli military, showing the> 
>>>> soldiers whose names “were allowed to be published.” The number of> 
>>>> Israeli soldiers wounded, according to Israeli media reports, 
>>>> exceeds> 6,800 as of April 1.> A majority of Gazans CONTINUE to 
>>>> support Hamas just as a majority of Germans supported Hitler during 
>>>> WWII. Such is war. When countries/nations/groups are at war, no  one 
>>>> there if free of risk, no matter how much OPPOSED they are to their 
>>>> group's leaders. German casualties were thousands of times greater 
>>>> than the Palestinian ones but all Hitler had to do to STOP the 
>>>> casualties was to SURRENDER. Ditto for Hamas. Surrender and almost 
>>>> immediately reconstruction and full transport of supplies can 
>>>> commence.> > > > Surrender to whom?> > Palestine was conquered by 
>>>> Israel in 1967 and has been occupied ever since.> > > You are really 
>>>> fucking dense.  Go back and finish Grade One.
>>> How can you surrender two times?
>>> Imagine if the allies after conquering Germany in 1945 started moving 
>>> their people and building British settlements in Bavaria, building 
>>> American cities along the Rhine etc doing population replacement 
>>> killing Germans and 54 years later, cca in 1999 demanded that the 
>>> Germans finally surrender or they'll continue with what they were 
>>> doing all along since 1945?
>> Apples and oranges. Imagine if the moon were made from green 
>> cheese.WTF. One surrenders to whomever they were fighting. In this 
>> case, Hamas "lays down its arms" to the controllers of the IDF, i.e. 
>> the State of Israel. Play all the word games you doesn't 
>> change the fact that Hamas are barbarian terrorists of the worst order 
>> and that anyone who supports them is a "useful fool". Plus being 
>> hopelessly naive, idealistic, and totally out to lunch..let alone 
>> poorly educated as to the history of the are RIGHT BACK to day one.
> how come you don't say this about British government and the child- 
> murdering IRA terrorists back in the 80's and 90's then? according to 
> you we had every right to bomb the whole of Northern Ireland to get the 
> terrorists who bombed London, Birmingham etc.

Take your fucking are a candidate for the loonie bin. 
What YOU suggest would be the same as Israel bombing Israel to get rid 
of embedded Hamas/Hezbollah terrorists. Plus the fact that the huge 
majority of people in Israel are NOT aiding and abetting the terrorists. 
Northern Ireland is part and parcel of the United Kingdom plus almost 
all the IRA symps in Northern Ireland are ghettoized into specific 
areas...NOT Northern Ireland as a whole. Get real and get educated, please.