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From: Sharx335 <>
Subject: Re: The Attack on the USS Liberty Symbolizes Israel's Duplicity and
Date: Sun, 2 Jun 2024 00:21:26 -0600
Organization: A noiseless patient Spider
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On 2024-06-01 11:25 p.m., Jan Panteltje wrote:
> On a sunny day (Sun, 02 Jun 24 00:26:17 UTC) it happened NefeshBarYochai
> <void@invalid.noy> wrote in <>:
>> “The State of Israel will be judged not by its wealth, nor by its
>> army, nor by its technology, but by its moral character and its human
>> values.”
>> – Prime Minister David Ben-Gurion, 1955, Israel’s first prime minister
>> and defense minister.
>> Fifty-seven years ago during the Six-Day War (June 8, 1967), Israeli
>> Defense Forces (IDF) brutally attacked a U.S. naval intelligence ship
>> that was seconded to the National Security Agency (NSA) for
>> intercepting communications in the Middle East.  Thirty-four American
>> sailors were killed in the attack, and 171 were wounded by unmarked
>> Mirage fighter aircraft using cannons and rockets.  Israeli boats
>> fired machine guns at close range at those helping the wounded,
>> including a Soviet naval vessel that was trying to rescue U.S.
>> sailors; they also machine-gunned life rafts that survivors had
>> dropped in hopes of abandoning the ship.  The Israelis immediately
>> called the disaster a “random accident.” It wasn’t “random” and it
>> wasn’t an “accident,” but the NSA investigation of the assault remains
>> classified to this day.
>> Israeli duplicity in their relations with the United States was
>> displayed as early as 1955, when Israeli intelligence operatives
>> bombed a U.S. library in Alexandria, Egypt, and the Israeli government
>> placed the blame on Egyptian operatives.  This covert action was
>> designed to stop the United States from funding the Aswan Dam in
>> Egypt.  Several decades later, Israeli intelligence recruited a U.S.
>> naval intelligence officer, Jonathan Pollard, to provide sensitive
>> U.S. intelligence, despite the reams of intelligence that the Central
>> Intelligence Agency (CIA) was sharing with Israel.
>> Pollard sold numerous state secrets, including the NSA’s ten-volume
>> manual on how the U.S. gathers its signals intelligence as well as the
>> names of thousands of people who had cooperated and were cooperating
>> with U.S. intelligence agencies.  Some of Pollard’s documents ended up
>> with the Soviet Union’s KGB, and the loss of sensitive signals
>> intelligence contributed to several successful Palestinian terrorist
>> attacks against Israel. The Israelis maintained for years that the
>> Pollard operation was an unauthorized rogue affair.  More lies.
>> Israeli deceit in their relations with the United States continues to
>> this day.  U.S. weapons have been used illegally in Israeli wars,
>> including the current genocidal attacks in Gaza.  U.S. weapons
>> technology and the weapons themselves have been provided to third
>> countries in violation of Israeli agreements with the United States.
>> The United States has never challenged the obnoxious personal attacks
>> on its leaders by Israeli leaders, particularly Prime Minister
>> Benjamin Netanyahu.
>> The current war in Gaza is replete with examples of Israeli denials
>> and explanations that defy reality.  Israel has denied placing limits
>> on humanitarian aid entering Gaza, which couldn’t be more
>> counter-intuitive or counter-factual.  After all, there are famine
>> conditions in the north and south of Gaza as well as ample evidence of
>> Israels preventing aid trucks from entering Gaza.  There is no serious
>> evidence that the Israelis are willing to investigate the brutal
>> attacks that have taken place.  Israeli spokesmen describe the current
>> Rafah operation as a “limited incursion,” which is belied by satellite
>> photography that shows Israeli forces moving closer to the center of
>> the city as well as the collapsed buildings and debris in the eastern
>> parts of the city.
>> “The pattern of attacks” on aid workers, according to the Secretary
>> General of Doctors Without Borders, Christopher Lockyear, “is either
>> intentional or indicative of reckless incompetence.”  Israel’s 16-year
>> blockade of Gaza at least permitted a stable food situation in the
>> territory, but now Israeli Defense Forces ignore Israeli right-wing
>> activists who destroy food headed for Gaza’s refugees.
>> The Israeli military states that it would “never deliberately target
>> aid convoys and workers,” but this too is a bald-faced lie.  Hundreds
>> of Palestinian aid workers have been killed, but it was not until
>> non-Arab workers were killed in a malicious attack that the
>> international community expressed outrage.  This has not stopped
>> Netanyahu from proclaiming that Palestinians “sanctify death while we
>> sanctify life.  They sanctify cruelty while we sanctify compassion.”
>> Last week’s disgraceful attack on a tent camp in Rafah was the latest
>> example of Israel’s lack of moral compunction in the killing of
>> innocent civilians, even children.   The many Israeli wars against the
>> Palestinians have demonstrated Israel’s ease in destroying homes and
>> olive groves, but the increased killing of children reveals the
>> absence of a moral compass  among Israeli civilian and military
>> leaders.
>> The anniversary of the Liberty attack is a reminder that there are no
>> limits to Israeli perfidy.  In June 1967, I was a junior analyst at
>> the CIA working on the Six-Day War.  Our task force knew that the
>> Israeli attack took place after six hours of intense, low-level
>> reconnaissance.  The attack itself was conducted over a two-hour
>> period by unmarked fighter aircraft.  According to Israeli archives,
>> at least one of the pilots instructed to attack the Liberty
>> communicated “But Sir, It’s an American Ship.”  He was told “Never
>> Mind, Hit Her!”
>> Even today, Michael Oren, a former Israeli ambassador to the United
>> States, maintains that the operation was an accident: “There was a lot
>> of chaos. It was a classic screw-up.”  Another former ambassador to
>> the United States, Ron Dermer, one of Netanyahu’s closest colleagues,
>> once remarked that Israeli Defense Forces should be given a Nobel
>> Peace Prize for its use of “knock on the roof” warning shots before
>> they destroy homes that often house numerous members of extended
>> families that are seeking shelter.  No warning was given to the
>> Palestinian refugees in the Rafah encampment. Both Oren and Dermer
>> would born in the United States and educated at Ivy League
>> institutions.
>> Meanwhile, U.S. officials at the highest levels continue to maintain
>> that the Israelis have crossed no “red lines” in their genocidal
>> attacks in Rafah.  John Kirby, the spokesman for national security
>> adviser Jake Sullivan, even maintained that Israeli use of precision
>> guided weapons in Rafah “indicates a desire to be more deliberate and
>> more precise in their targeting.”  When pressed, Kirby blithely
>> maintained that he needed “more granularity” to explain the civilian
>> losses.  The Palestinian in Rafah who held a girl’s brain in one hand
>> and a bag full of body parts in the other hand should be sufficient
>> “granularity.”
>> Several Biden administration officials and Department of States
>> officials have resigned because of U.S. complicity with Israeli
>> genocidal operations as well as the U.S. official view that Israel has
>> not impeded humanitarian assistance to Gaza.  Meanwhile, the
>> Palestinian death toll is climbing, and Israeli military operations
>> are increasing, but the trio of Biden, Blinken, and Sullivan contend
>> that no “red lines” have been crossed.
>> It is long past time for the United States to demonstrate openly and
>> emphatically its revulsion over Israeli war crimes and to end U.S.
>> military aid that enables Israel to pursue its genocidal attacks.  It
>> is also time for the United States to fully support an immediate
>> ceasefire in Gaza.  The consistent U.S. use of its veto of ceasefire
>> resolutions in the UN Security Council is unconscionable.
>> Melvin A. Goodman is a senior fellow at the Center for International
>> Policy and a professor of government at Johns Hopkins University.  A
>> former CIA analyst, Goodman is the author of Failure of Intelligence:
>> The Decline and Fall of the CIA and National Insecurity: The Cost of
>> American Militarism. and A Whistleblower at the CIA. His most recent
>> books are “American Carnage: The Wars of Donald Trump” (Opus
>> Publishing, 2019) and “Containing the National Security State” (Opus
>> Publishing, 2021). Goodman is the national security columnist for
> Thank you for publishing this
> Yes them jews are just a bunch of fanatic, brain-washed by their religious leaders, kids.
> Did Hitler have a point?
> Just an other religious fanatic group.
> biden is complicit in the murders they do.
> In the end, when all Palestinians are murdered or chased away,
> that violence will keep increasing resulting in the combined nuking by others on what now is israel.
> No jews left and after the radiation has faded
> Palestinians can move back to their land.

It is really scary to think that the writer probably has the right to 
vote in whatever hellhole he lives in.