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Path: ...!!!!!!.POSTED!not-for-mail
From: Your Name <>
Newsgroups: rec.arts.drwho
Subject: Re: When did Dr Who fandom become so toxic?
Date: Mon, 3 Jun 2024 09:34:40 +1200
Organization: A noiseless patient Spider
Lines: 32
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On 2024-06-02 13:49:51 +0000, The One Who Waits said:
> solar penguin <> wrote in
> news:v3hskr$3ca41$
>> The One Who Waits <waiter@forever.more> wrote:
>>> It's full of maladjusted sociopaths who want everything to fall in
>>> line with their personal bubbles, and they'll call anything outside
>>> of that "stupid" and even become hyperaggressive towards it.  It's
>>> not just the people who bash the show constantly (but it obviously
>>> includes them), it's also those who claim to like the show but
>>> gatekeep their own interpretations of it.
>> When? Some time in the mid-1980s. (The toxicity was just less
>> noticeable back then because it was confined to fanzines and
>> not out in the open for everyone to see.)
> I'm glad we have an open forum like this, despite its issues.  Moderated
> forums, whether they're on social media like Facebook and Reddit or web
> sites like DWO or GB seem to just cater to specific subsets and cliques
> of these sociopaths and.weirdos.

The moderated forums tend to have a silliness that nothing can be bad. 
If you post anything "negative" / "toxic", then your message gets 
deleted, you get put in the naughty corner and eventually banned 
entirely. Often it is due to admins with massive egos who believe 
they're a God.

It's utterly ridiculousness to blindly believe that any franchise does 
not have its bad points.