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Path: ...!!!!.POSTED!not-for-mail
From: Chris <>
Subject: Re: Turn your device completely off once a week as per
 advice from the NSA today
Date: Mon, 3 Jun 2024 18:01:39 -0000 (UTC)
Organization: A noiseless patient Spider
Lines: 41
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Arno Welzel <> wrote:
> Chris, 2024-06-03 16:52:
>> Andrew <> wrote:
>>> Andy Burns wrote on Mon, 3 Jun 2024 10:45:39 +0100 :
>>>>> My point only is that this doesn't portend an ability to turn off bluetooth
>>>>> in later releases because Google & Apple make too much $ off tracking us.
>>>> But do they really make money from knowing where I am?
>>> I appreciate that you're asking good questions, where I think in this very
>>> thread we saw an article that Mayayana cited that says yes.
>>> Apple & Google make money off of keeping track of our location.
>> Is this another of your unsubstantiated claims?
> No, it is called "location based service". This was already a business
> model way before smartphones existed. In the past phone companies sold
> location based services based on triangulation of the base stations
> connected to the phone.
> BTDT - I have written software using this to locate the next available
> pharmacy with emergency services in Germany when a user requests this by
> either sending an SMS to a specific number and he will then get the list
> of pharmacies as response or by using a WAP browser and visiting a
> specific WAP site which offers this as a service.
> Of course the phone company asked for money for every location request.
> And this had to be paid by the company providing that pharmacy location
> service and not by the users.
> Nowadays location based services are of course more often used to
> distribute advertisements or to determine good locations to open the
> next fast food restaurant etc..

Which are reasonable and acceptable use cases. "Andrew "is insinuating more
nefarious data capture.