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From: Richard Damon <richard@damon-family.org>
Newsgroups: comp.theory,sci.logic
Subject: Re: Why does Olcott care about simulation, anyway?
Date: Mon, 3 Jun 2024 22:26:21 -0400
Organization: i2pn2 (i2pn.org)
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On 6/3/24 10:09 PM, olcott wrote:
> On 6/3/2024 8:58 PM, Richard Damon wrote:
>> On 6/3/24 9:54 PM, olcott wrote:
>>> On 6/3/2024 8:44 PM, Richard Damon wrote:
>>>> On 6/3/24 9:05 PM, olcott wrote:
>>>>> On 6/3/2024 7:59 PM, Richard Damon wrote:
>>>>>> On 6/3/24 8:47 PM, olcott wrote:
>>>>>>> On 6/3/2024 1:56 PM, Mike Terry wrote:
>>>>>>>> On 03/06/2024 19:03, olcott wrote:
>>>>>>>>> On 6/3/2024 12:36 PM, Mike Terry wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> On 03/06/2024 08:58, Fred. Zwarts wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>> Op 03.jun.2024 om 02:16 schreef immibis:
>>>>>>>>>>>> The halting problem says you can't find a Turing machine 
>>>>>>>>>>>> that tells whether executing each other Turing machine will 
>>>>>>>>>>>> halt. Simulation has nothing to do with the question.
>>>>>>>>>>> Maybe because by using simulation he can shift the attention 
>>>>>>>>>>> from the pathological part of the Linz proof, to another 
>>>>>>>>>>> halting problem, namely that a simulating decider does not 
>>>>>>>>>>> halt because it causes infinite recursion.
>>>>>>>>>> PO's simulating decider does not cause infinite recursion. 
>>>>>>>>>> That only occurs in the case where the decider performs a FULL 
>>>>>>>>>> simulation of its input, whereas typically for PO his H/HH/... 
>>>>>>>>>> perform PARTIAL simulations, where the decider monitors what 
>>>>>>>>>> is being simulated and breaks off the simulation when a 
>>>>>>>>>> particular condition is observed.
>>>>>>>>> Thanks for affirming that. You are my most technically
>>>>>>>>> competent and honest reviewer.
>>>>>>>>>> So yes, there is recursive simulation, but not /infinite/ 
>>>>>>>>>> recursion since at each level of simulation the simulator is 
>>>>>>>>>> free to just stop simulating at any time.  In practice this 
>>>>>>>>>> means that the outer simulator H will be the one to break out, 
>>>>>>>>>> since it will always be ahead of all the inner simulations of 
>>>>>>>>>> H in how far it has progressed.  This situation is in contrast 
>>>>>>>>>> with direct call recursion, where the outer caller has no 
>>>>>>>>>> control to break the recursion - it only regains control once 
>>>>>>>>>> the inner calls have all returned.
>>>>>>>>>> PO does not properly understand this distinction.
>>>>>>>>> *You can keep ignoring this that does not make it go away*
>>>>>>>>> On 10/13/2022 11:29:23 AM
>>>>>>>>> MIT Professor Michael Sipser agreed this verbatim paragraph is 
>>>>>>>>> correct
>>>>>>>>> (He has neither reviewed nor agreed to anything else in this 
>>>>>>>>> paper)
>>>>>>>>> <Professor Sipser agreed>
>>>>>>>>> If simulating halt decider H correctly simulates its input D 
>>>>>>>>> until H
>>>>>>>>> correctly determines that its simulated D would never stop running
>>>>>>>>> unless aborted then
>>>>>>>>> H can abort its simulation of D and correctly report that D 
>>>>>>>>> specifies a
>>>>>>>>> non-halting sequence of configurations.
>>>>>>>>> </Professor Sipser agreed>
>>>>>>>>> *You can ignore the above forever, that does not make it away*
>>>>>>>> I do not ignore the above.  I recently posted an example of it: 
>>>>>>>> a simulating HD correctly reporting non-halting after detecting 
>>>>>>>> a tight loop in the computation represented by its input.
>>>>>>>> The problem with the above is with YOU.  (You 
>>>>>>>> misinterpret/misapply what Sipser says.)
>>>>>>>> And of course your entire purpose behind quoting the above is 
>>>>>>>> just an appeal to authority.  You know that's a fallacy, because 
>>>>>>>> from time to time you accuse others of doing it.
>>>>>>>>>>> His own claim that D does not reach the pathological part 
>>>>>>>>>>> (after line 03), displays already that the simulation is 
>>>>>>>>>>> unable to process the pathological part. But the simulation 
>>>>>>>>>>> introduces a new halting problem (recursive simulation), 
>>>>>>>>>>> which he thinks is an answer for the original halting problem.
>>>>>>>>>> You're using PO's phrase "pathological" but that is a bad 
>>>>>>>>>> (misleading) term because it suggests there is something 
>>>>>>>>>> WRONG/BAD (aka sick?) in the situation.  E.g. H processing 
>>>>>>>>>> input which is a description of its own source code.  There is 
>>>>>>>>>> nothing whatsoever wrong with that - it's just that PO gets 
>>>>>>>>>> confused by it and so argues to ban it.  Perhaps there  is an 
>>>>>>>>>> alternative term that doesn't have the deliberate connotation 
>>>>>>>>>> of "sickness".
>>>>>>>>>> Mike.
>>>>>>>>> *Two PhD computer science professors disagree*
>>>>>>>>> E C R Hehner. *Problems with the Halting Problem*, 
>>>>>>>>> COMPUTING2011 Symposium on 75 years of Turing Machine and 
>>>>>>>>> Lambda-Calculus, Karlsruhe Germany, invited, 2011 October 
>>>>>>>>> 20-21; Advances in Computer Science and Engineering v.10 n.1 
>>>>>>>>> p.31-60, 2013
>>>>>>>>> https://www.cs.toronto.edu/~hehner/PHP.pdf
>>>>>>>>> E C R Hehner. *Objective and Subjective Specifications*
>>>>>>>>> WST Workshop on Termination, Oxford.  2018 July 18.
>>>>>>>>> See https://www.cs.toronto.edu/~hehner/OSS.pdf
>>>>>>>>> Bill Stoddart. *The Halting Paradox*
>>>>>>>>> 20 December 2017
>>>>>>>>> https://arxiv.org/abs/1906.05340
>>>>>>>>> arXiv:1906.05340 [cs.LO]
>>>>>>>>> *You can ignore the above forever, that does not make it away*
>>>>>>>> Well, it kinda DOES.  This is just a blatant appeal to authority 
>>>>>>>> on your part, so it can rightly be ignored.  I'll say again - if 
>>>>>>>> you have some argument to make, argue it yourself in your own 
>>>>>>>> words rather than attempting to shut down discussion through 
>>>>>>>> appeal to authority.
>>>>>>> *Those were my verbatim words that professor Sipser agreed to*
>>>>>>> All the people that tried to show how I misinterpreted my own words
>>>>>>> utterly failed.
>>>>>>> Those that claimed Professor Sipser understood my words 
>>>>>>> differently than
>>>>>>> I did had only one basis that I remember being presented that is 
>>>>>>> easily
>>>>>>> proven false. *They tried to get away with contradicting this*
>>>>>>> DD correctly emulated by any HH that can possibly exist DOES NOT 
>>>>>>> HALT
>>>>>>> DD correctly emulated by any HH that can possibly exist DOES NOT 
>>>>>>> HALT
>>>>>>> DD correctly emulated by any HH that can possibly exist DOES NOT 
>>>>>>> HALT
>>>>>> It does.
>>>>>> Has been proven.
>>>>> *I say that you know you are a liar until after you show the steps*
>>>> DD will halt (Remember, I am not saying the somulaiton by HH, but 
>>>> that DD itself will halt).
>>> That IS the strawman deception that might possibly (I hope not)
>>> get you condemned to Hell.
>> What is strawman about it?
>> I am just using the actual definitions that YOU like to ignore and 
>> make lies about.
> You may condemn yourself to Hell by even asking that question.
> I hope not. I myself wouldn't risk it.

I guess you think God hates people who bring out the Truth,

What is wrong about asking someone to explain themselves?