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From: Daniel70 <>
Newsgroups: rec.arts.drwho
Subject: Re: When did Dr Who fandom become so toxic?
Date: Tue, 4 Jun 2024 21:14:26 +1000
Organization: A noiseless patient Spider
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References: <v3hsd0$3c8v0$> <>
 <v3j4mj$uen$> <v3k40c$3reih$>
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The Doctor wrote on 3/6/24 11:18 pm:
> In article <v3k40c$3reih$>,
> Daniel70  <> wrote:
>> The Doctor wrote on 3/6/24 11:02 am:
>>> In article <>,
>>> Blueshirt <> wrote:
>>>> The Doctor wrote:
>>>>> In article <v3ht9u$3cg29$>,
>>>>> The One Who Waits  <waiter@forever.more> wrote:
>>>>>> I'm glad we have an open forum like this, despite its
>>>>>> issues.  Moderated forums, whether they're on social media
>>>>>> like Facebook and Reddit or web sites like DWO or GB seem to
>>>>>> just cater to specific subsets and cliques of these
>>>>>> sociopaths and.weirdos.
>>>>> I prefer them all to come here.
>>>> YOU are the reason a lot of people won't come here!
>>>> They pop in, lurk for a bit, see your nonsense... and then head
>>>> back to Facebook.
>>> IYIO.
>> Correct, Gobble-de-gook!!
>> But WHAT are YOU, Gobble-de-gook, going to do about this situation,
>> Gobble-de-gook??
> Invites are ready!
What?? WHAT "Invites', Gobble-de-gook??

Do YOU, Gobble-de-gook, really think that, after chasing people away, 
when YOU, Gobble-de-gook, 'Invite' them back, do YOU, Gobble-de-gook, 
really expect any people to come back so that they can, AGAIN, be 
TORMENTED by YOU, Gobble-de-gook??