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Path: ...!!!!!!.POSTED!not-for-mail
From: FPP <>
Subject: Re: Cruz Destroys Gender Activist Judge During Hearing
Date: Tue, 4 Jun 2024 11:29:01 -0400
Organization: Ph'nglui Mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh Wgah'nagl Fhtagn.
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On 6/3/24 10:32 PM, BTR1701 wrote:
> In article <v3llfh$3kpo$>, FPP <>
> wrote:
>> On 6/3/24 2:23 PM, BTR1701 wrote:
>>> In article <v3kipd$3u0gd$>, FPP <>
>>> wrote:
>>>> On 6/2/24 10:05 PM, BTR1701 wrote:
>>>>> FPP <> wrote:
>>>>>> On 6/2/24 3:26 PM, BTR1701 wrote:
>>>>>>> In article <v3hqb4$3bs2t$>, FPP <>
>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>> On 5/31/24 12:21 PM, BTR1701 wrote:
>>>>>>>>> In article <v3c7d5$268m8$>, FPP <>
>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Cruz couldn't do anything to help Texas so his vacation didn't
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> actually matter. Newsom's did matter quite a bit but he never
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> seems to take any hits from you.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I wonder why that is?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> You don't see me defending him like you're defending Cruz, do
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> you?
>>>>>>>>>>>>> I didn't defend him. I said that his decision to take that trip
>>>>>>>>>>>>> likely cost him his presidential aspirations.
>>>>>>>>>>>> Being a dick cost him his presidential aspirations.
>>>>>>>>>>> And strangely you have yet to rage about Newsom being a dick for
>>>>>>>>>>> doing the exact same thing Cruz did when, unlike Cruz, remaining in
>>>>>>>>>>> California during the crises actually *would* have made a
>>>>>>>>>>> difference.
>>>>>>>>>>> Newsom never even gets mentioned by you despite a full panoply of
>>>>>>>>>>> dick moves on his part.
>>>>>>>>>>> French Laundry? Effa's in a coma.
>>>>>>>>>>> Only time he manages to clean up San Francisco's vagrant hellscape
>>>>>>>>>>> is when his boss, the Chinese dictator, come callin'? Effa's in a
>>>>>>>>>>> coma.
>>>>>>>>>>> Etc., etc., etc.
>>>>>>>>>> Why would I? I live in the Northeast... he isn't my governor.
>>>>>>>>>> He isn't a Senator, who can affect my life.
>>>>>>>>>> He isn't a Congressman, who can affect my life.
>>>>>>>>>> He isn't a Federal Judge, who can affect my life.
>>>>>>>>>> He isn't a Supreme Court Justice, who can affect my life.
>>>>>>>>>> He's your governor. I don't give two shits if he lied about going to
>>>>>>>>>> a restaurant.
>>>>>>>>> LOL! So why do the governors of Texas and Florida affect your life
>>>>>>>>> but the California governor does not?
>>>>>>>>> Spin that one for me, Shit Shoes.
>>>>>>>> Sure. One went to dinner when he shouldn't have.
>>>>>>>> The other is using his office to attack private businesses because
>>>>>>>> they dared exercise their freedom to disagree with Field Marshall
>>>>>>>> DeSantis.
>>>>>>> So when you said you don't talk about another state's governor because
>>>>>>> he doesn't affect your life... that was... wait for it... a lie.
>>>>>> How does eating out affect my life?
>>>>>> Now, trying to destroy capitalism and education in the country is
>>>>>> another matter.
>>>>> Your own words: another state's governor doesn't affect my life.
>>>>> Weird how you're now claiming some governors have the power to do exactly
>>>>> that by "destroying capitalism and education" throughout the entire
>>>>> country by signing laws that only apply to their respective states. How
>>>>> does DeSantis signing an education bill that only applies to Florida
>>>>> affect your life, Effa?
> Still no answer here.
>>>>> But for some reason when Newsom signs laws, according to Effa the Hutt,
>>>>> he only has the power to affect California, despite the fact that in many
>>>>> cases, he actually does affect the whole country with his bullshit. Like
>>>>> when he banned all gas-powered vehicles by 2035. That affects the whole
>>>>> country because California is such a large percentage of the car market,
>>>>> vehicle manufacturers conform their products to California standards
>>>>> regardless of where they'll eventually be sold.
>>>> Newsom went out to eat. DeSantis is destroying a state.
>>> Yeah, he's destroying it so bad that people are moving there in record
>>> numbers. And California is losing so many people, it cost them a seat in
>>> the House.
>> Boo-hoo... why are you still there, then?
> Because, as you've been told for decades, my girlfriend is here and she
> hasn't vested her pension yet. When she does, we'll be moving to either
> Texas, Nevada, or Florida.

Cruz blames his daughters.
Alito blames his wife.
Thanny blames his girlfriend.

I'm seeing a MAGA pattern here...

On May 30, 2024 Donald J. Trump was unanimously convicted on 34 felony 
counts in New York City... so I took this picture in my side yard.

"Thou shalt not make a machine in the likeness of a man’s mind." - OC 
Bible  25B.G.