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From: Mild Shock <janburse@fastmail.fm>
Newsgroups: sci.math
Subject: Re: An Ode to Dan Christensen: The Curry's Paradox in Fitch Style
Date: Wed, 5 Jun 2024 08:56:29 +0200
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Dan Christensen was my long term sparring
partner on sci.logic, but he somehow disappeared.
He had a proof tool, that implemented some sort

of free logic, and was heavily defending his tool,
and calling other tools that implemented the more
traditional non-free first order logic nonsense.

The last he posted on sci.logic was a solution
to the Russell paradox, where he got into multivalued
logic. But in a very stubborn way, and he didn't

accept again, that each resolution of the Russell
paradox, provokes a new kind of Russell paradox.
This was actually quite interesting

Mild Shock schrieb:
> We present a little tour de force in implementing
> a Prolog technology theorem prover for intuitionistic
> propositional and first order logic. The main idea
> was already demonstrated by John Slaney in
> his MINLOG System.
> Instead of transforming a proof from NJ to LJ as in
> cut elimination, we transform a proof back from LJ
> to NJ. What helps us doing this transformation is
> extracting and rendering proof terms from
> the Curry-Howard isomorphism.
> Drawing upon Jens Ottens ileanSeP and leanSeq we
> deviced propositional and first order proof search
> for LJ. We can render Fitch Style proofs of Curry's
> Paradox and the propositionally resembling Barber
> Paradox, whereby our logic assumes at least one
> Barber. Both are intuitionistically valid.
> See also:
> The Curry's Paradox in Fitch Style
> https://twitter.com/dogelogch/status/1798242629152637208
> The Curry's Paradox in Fitch Style
> https://www.facebook.com/groups/dogelog