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From: Mikko <mikko.levanto@iki.fi>
Newsgroups: comp.theory
Subject: Re: How Partial Simulations correctly determine non-halting ---Ben's 10/2022 analysis
Date: Sat, 8 Jun 2024 09:42:02 +0300
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On 2024-06-07 22:26:05 +0000, olcott said:

> On 6/7/2024 4:00 PM, joes wrote:
>> Am Fri, 07 Jun 2024 09:47:35 -0500 schrieb olcott:
>>> On 6/7/2024 1:30 AM, Mikko wrote:
>>>> On 2024-06-06 15:31:36 +0000, olcott said:
>>>>> On 6/6/2024 10:14 AM, Mikko wrote:
>>>>>> On 2024-06-06 13:53:58 +0000, olcott said:
>>>>>>> On 6/6/2024 5:15 AM, Mikko wrote:
>>>>>>>> On 2024-06-05 13:29:28 +0000, olcott said:
>>>>>>>>> On 6/5/2024 2:37 AM, Mikko wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> On 2024-06-04 18:02:03 +0000, olcott said:
>>> A simulating halt decider cannot report on what the behavior of a
>>> non-terminating input actually is because this would take forever.
>> Exactly. Didn't you say it is allowed to abort?
>>> H is not allowed to report on any computation containing its actual self
>>> because Turing machines can only take finite string inputs thus cannot
>>> take Turing machines as inputs.
>> Bullshit. It can take other machines just fine. It doesn't know about
>> itself.
> No actual Turing machine can be the input to any other actual
> Turing machine. Turing machines only take finite string inputs.

Any finite string can be an input to some Turing machine.
Can you prove that a Turing machine is not a finite string?

Your own attempts of a conter-proof are not about Turing machines
but C programs. C programs are finite strings, so a C program
is a valid input to a C program (and a Turing machine, too).

>>> This means that H is not allowed to report on the behavior of the
>>> directly executed P(P).
>> So on which program does it report then?
