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Path: ...!!!!.POSTED!not-for-mail
From: AJL <>
Subject: Re: State Farm files patent for system to suppress calls and text
 while driving
Date: Sun, 9 Jun 2024 11:13:37 -0700
Organization: A noiseless patient Spider
Lines: 34
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On 6/9/2024 9:51 AM, bad sector wrote:
> On 6/9/24 11:42, AJL wrote:

>> In my younger days (60's) I operated a mobile ham radio CW (morse
>> code) rig in the car while driving cross country. (Code is like a
>> second language that can be read in your head without writing it
>> down. I generally went 20-40 WPM.) Lots of fun. Makes using a
>> mobile cell these days seem seem like duck soup...  :-O

> Them days meant a totally different environment all around. Gas was
> 20 cents a gallon and I don't remember EVER having heard of anyone
> brake-checking OR refusing (just because they had the right of way)
> to let in someone who for any number of reasons ended up merging too
> late!

In my burg (metro area of the 5th largest city in the US) when some
drivers get pissed off they just start shooting at the perceived
offender. It's called road rage. I try not to piss anyone off...

> I got my first license in '58 I think and the only requirement was to
> be tall enough to be seen over the counter as you reached up to give
> the two dollar fee to the clerk at city-hall.

Mine in '57. We had both a written and a driving test. Parallel parking
scared me the most. Still does.

>> Tape also needs to be applied to all passenger's mouths...

> They mostly know when to shut the F up, but some might go into
> shrieking fits in a tight spot and that don't help any :-)

It's just not passengers these days. I talk to my car and it talks back
after doing what I asked...