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Path: ...!!!!!!.POSTED!not-for-mail
From: "Adam H. Kerman" <>
Subject: Re: NPR: 200 Palestinians killed and more than 400 wounded in Gaza by Israeli army
Date: Sun, 9 Jun 2024 20:46:50 -0000 (UTC)
Organization: A noiseless patient Spider
Lines: 54
Message-ID: <v454bq$3njt7$>
References: <v435ka$34nn7$>
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Adam H. Kerman <> wrote:

>This afternoon, I heard a report on NPR that headlined 200 Palestinians
>killed and 400 wounded in an Israeli army operation in Gaza. This report
>came from estimates by a nurse at the local hospital, which came from a
>later version of the story posted on the NPR Web site. The radio report
>emphasized corpses just lining hallways in the hospital.

>The numbers may indeed be true. The operation was in an residential
>neighborhood, so of course there were lots of deaths and injured

>In the Web story, the headline starts with the hostage rescue, then
>discusses civilian deaths, far less anti-Israel's conduct of the war
>than the radio version of the story.


>We learn later in the radio story, after the report stopped emphasizing the
>dead and wounded Palestinian civilians, that the Israeli army had rescued
>four hostages who were held captive in a house in this neighborhood.

>Here's AP's version of the story, emphasizing jubilance in Israel about
>the good news of the hostage rescue.


>This version of the story tells us that one of the rescued hostages, Noa
>Argamani, 25, was the subject of several videos showing her abduction,
>so everyone in Israel knew who she was.


Today's story from AP

Gaza's Health Ministry says 274 Palestinians were killed in Israeli raid
that rescued 4 hostages

At least the hostage rescue made it into the headline, even if
secondary. The first paragraph, second sentence, providing a summary
from the Israeli army that their forces came under heavy fire.

I'm sure the dead and wounded civilians were solely the responsibility of the
Israelis. By the second paragraph, the article generally emphasizes
civilian suffering during this mission.

In the fifth paragraph, we are reminded that the Hamas Health Ministry
does not distinguish between combatants and civilians in counting the
dead and wounded, nor is there independent verification of their

The location was one of those refugee camps from 1948 that became a
permanent camp.