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Path: ...!!!!!.POSTED!not-for-mail
From: The True Doctor <>
Newsgroups: rec.arts.drwho
Subject: Re: Ratings Asphyxiation for Doctor Whoke
Date: Sun, 9 Jun 2024 23:58:38 +0100
Organization: A noiseless patient Spider
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On 09/06/2024 22:57, Blueshirt wrote:
> The True Doctor wrote:
>> On 09/06/2024 15:40, Blueshirt wrote:
>>> The BBC do not care about overnights. They are not a
>>> commercial channel that runs advertising.
>> The BBC doesn't care about ratings at all because everyone is
>> forced to pay towards their extortion racket called the BBC
>> License Fee.
> Then why do you make a big song and dance about them then if the
> BBC don't care? If the BBC doesn't care, why should anyone else?

Because I have to pay the BBC licence fee to watch television you totall 
deranged brainwashed imbecile. You're behaving like one of stupid dumb 
animals on Animal Farm that hasn't learned the Alphabet or how to count 
to 10 that thinks Squealer is the angel of God.

> Although if a big US media corporation was giving me millions to
> stream my TV show around the world I probably wouldn't care much
> about domestic ratings either, as long as the $$ keeps flowing
> in.

Since no one is subscribing to Disney+ to watch Doctor Whoke it will be 
gone after the second season. Like I said before I have more people 
watching my YouTube channels.

>>> If the BBC did care as much as some claim they wouldn't
>>> premiere Doctor Who on the iPlayer at midnight and have it
>>> available to be streamed many hours before its BBC1
>>> broadcast...
>> No more than around 100,000 people watch the show on iPlayer
>> during the 7 days after it has premiered each episode. Just
>> how stupid and ignorant are you? 14,000 viewers on iPlayer is
>> going makes no significant different to the overnight ratings
>> which are totally dreadful.
> But you just said the BBC doesn't care about ratings. So it's
> irrelevant how many people watch Doctor Who on the iPlayer then
> isn't it?
> You can't have it both ways!

PRIME YOU FUCKING RETARD! If the BBC doesn't want to make programmes for 
me then I shouldn't have to pay for it to make programmes only for 
homosexual and women.

>>> or have the season finale premier in cinemas in the UK the
>>> day before the last episode is broadcast on BBC1.
>> Stop completely deluding yourself you fool. No more than about
>> 200 people will watch Doctor Whoke in a cinema and hiring
>> these cinemas so that only a handful of people can watch with
>> free tickets at each one is going to cost the BBC and its
>> licence fee payers a fortune and makes no difference
>> whatsoever to the ratings.
> But the BBC doesn't care about ratings. We've already
> established that. So, why does it matter to you how many people
> are going to go to the cinema to watch Doctor Who?


How many times do I have to repeat it for you to understand?

>> This woke pile shit is nothing more than an ego trip for the
>> woke pervert Russell T. Davies and a complete waste of licence
>> fee payers' money.
>> De-fund the BBC!
> Grow a pair of balls and refuse to pay your licence fee... or

And go to jail?

> stop bleating like a sheep about it... baaa baaa.

You are the one bleating like a sheep you retard. One day it's four legs 
are good, two legs are bad and the next it's four legs are good, two 
legs are better.

The True Doctor

"To be woke is to be uninformed which is exactly the opposite of what it 
stands for." -William Shatner