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Path: ...!!!!!!!.POSTED!not-for-mail
From: Dudley Brooks <>
Subject: Re: Where is Google Maps Timeline stored on Android? (Android 14 On
 UI 6.1 on Samsung A54)
Date: Mon, 10 Jun 2024 09:40:32 -0700
Organization: Run For Your Life! ... it's a dance company
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I guess I was not clear enough:

On 6/10/24 1:10 AM, Andy Burns wrote:

> Dudley Brooks wrote:
>> Where is Google Maps Timeline stored on Android? 
> It used to be sent to google's servers, now they are changinging to 
> keeping it "privately" on device
> <>

Yes, I know.

I already did that on Tue Jun 4.

So the .json files for all my pre-Jun 4 Timeline are now on my laptop. 
I can see those files in my Downloads.  (And, of course, they are no 
longer on Google's Cloud servers.)

But for all the trips I have taken *since* Jun 4, that Timeline is now 
stored *somewhere* on my cellphone.

And neither the site you directed me to, nor anything else I can find 
online, tells me *exactly where* they are stored -- what filename, in 
what directory?  *That's* what I'm asking!

>> I would like to get the data to my laptop, to use some third-party 
>> program to display and edit it,

And that's *why* I'm asking.  This is important!  I want to use this 
data in some good map-display software (which I've also been asking for 
recommendations about).

I did learn from the article you linked to that since I already had 
Google Backup turned on, my Timeline is part of my data being backed up 
to Google.

The article is not clear about one question -- but I've come to expect 
lack of clarity from Google:

Does that include my old downloaded pre-Jun 4 data?  Or only my new 
post-Jun 4 data?

To possibly find out, and to check on what was backed up, I followed the 
link's instructions for Import Your Timeline Data From a Backup 
(stopping before actually importing it).

I did Maps | <profile picture> | Your Timeline | <cloud icon> | Your 
backups | <my device> | <three dots>

I was then supposed to see the option Import -- but that option did not 

Then I looked at Backup | Google Account Data in my Settings ... and I 
didn't see *anything* about Timeline!  Even though Backup in general was 
turned on long ago, and Timeline Backup was turned on in the Maps app on 
Jun 4.

(Backup in Settings shows Apps, Photos & Videos, SMS & MMS Messages, 
Call History, Device Settings, and Google Account Settings being backed up

Google Account Settings shows Contacts, Keep Notes, Google TV, Calendar, 
Drive, and Gmail being backed up.

But nothing about Timeline.)

I think I read somewhere that Google backs things up to Google Drive. 
So I looked at Google Drive, which I had never really looked at in 
detail before.

There was a long list of folders and files which I simply did not have 
the time to examine thoroughly, especially since many of them had 
obscure names.

I searched on "google", "maps", "timeline", "data", and every 
combination of two, three, or all four of those ... and every search 
only showed *my own* files which happened to have those words.

So if Timeline is being backed up ... where is it???

And if it's on my cellphone (which it is) ... where is it???

Dudley Brooks, Artistic Director
Run For Your Life! ... it's a dance company!
San Francisco