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From: Daniel70 <>
Newsgroups: rec.arts.drwho
Subject: Re: Doctor Whoke S01E06 Rogue
Date: Tue, 11 Jun 2024 22:52:17 +1000
Organization: A noiseless patient Spider
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The Last Doctor wrote on 11/6/24 8:16 pm:
> Daniel70 <> wrote:
>> The Doctor wrote on 11/6/24 12:50 am:
>>> In article <v46i2f$bip2$>, The Last Doctor 
>>> <> wrote:
>>>> Daniel70 <> wrote:
>> <Snip>
>>>>> Perhaps that's why he has trouble understanding 'Doctor Who'
>>>>> on TV and the rest of us here. (I'm not including
>>>>> Gobble-de-gook a.k.a. The Doctor in this discussion because
>>>>> .... well you know!! He obviously has problems with the
>>>>> 'English Language' as well!)
>>>> I don’t know whether he was born in the UK but Argyros
>>>> George Argyrou (AGA, from whence came “Agamemnon” and “DJ
>>>> Aggie”) is British and of Greek Cypriot heritage, and has
>>>> lived in Northampton since at least his high school days. He
>>>> went to University in London studying a rigorous scientific
>>>> discipline and therefore the reasons for his total inability to
>>>> grasp the nuances of the modern English language, and the
>>>> nature of society, are a complete mystery and will always
>>>> remain so. He has no reasonable excuse for being so divorced
>>>> from reality.
>>> High school days? Isn't that an americanism?
>> Your not knowing anything about "high school days" could explain a
>> lot about YOU, Gobble-de-gook, but, as Blueshirt come from Eire and
>> HE uses that term, that would HAVE to indicate "high school days"
>> is NOT JUST an Americanism, Gobble-de-gook!!
> Specifically, the secondary school Aggie attended has been called
> “Trinity Upper School”, “Trinity High School” and I believe is now
> “Trinity School”.
> When I joined mine, it was called “Ripley Technical School”, and in
> my seven years there morphed into “Ripley Technical Grammar School”,
> and then “Ripley Technical High School”, and in my sixth form became
> simply “Ripley School”. A few years later mine was demolished and
> merged with a much larger comprehensive, when Thatcher quietly
> dismantled most state selective schools while ostensibly promoting
> grammar schools before launching the new generation of “academies”.
> High school is used generally in the UK for most state schools that
> take 11-16 or 11-18 year olds. Some separate out their sixth forms
> and call them sixth form colleges while remaining integrated with the
> main school. High schools , sixth form colleges and further education
> colleges (less math and history, more hairdressing and vehicle
> maintenance) are together known as “secondary schools”.
> Meanwhile the private sector largely continues to run “prep” schools
> for 9-13 year olds, with public (yes, that means private, go figure)
> school admissions being from 13-18. The disparity in timing helps to
> make it more difficult to transition from state to private
> education.
I was a victim of the Post-WWII Baby Boom. My Primary school had Bubs to 
Grade Six for Girls but only Bubs to Grade Five for Boys.

The Boys then got kicked across the road to Immaculate Heart College 
(guess who ran it!) for Grade Six through to Form Four (Call it Year 
Ten) then (if I had gone on rather than joining The Army) I would have 
gone to St Joseph's, East Brunswick for Form's Five and Six.

Immaculate Heart College was later expanded by adding Forms Five and Six 
and became Redden Catholic College. Later Redden Catholic College and St 
Joseph's were combined, due to falling enrollments, to become Samaritan 
Catholic College.

Hmm! I thought that campus had been swallowed up into Parade Colledge, 
but the wikipedia artical doesn't mention that!! AH!! No, the Parade 
merger does get a mention in the References and External links of ....