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From: Daniel70 <>
Newsgroups: rec.arts.drwho
Subject: Re: Ratings Asphyxiation for Doctor Whoke
Date: Wed, 12 Jun 2024 18:53:21 +1000
Organization: A noiseless patient Spider
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The True Doctor wrote on 12/06/2024 10:39 am:
> On 12/06/2024 00:13, Blueshirt wrote:
>> The True Doctor wrote:
>>> [Snip]
>>> Who gives a fuck? Why have they hire a woman instead of a man
>>> who can do a far better job because have always been better
>>> artists than women? Just name one famous female renaissance
>>> painter? There isn't one, otherwise there'd be a Teenage
>>> Mutant Ninja Turtle named after her.
>> Okay I give up, 
> There you go then. No famous female renaissance painters exist.

Because, back then, women were kept barefoot and pregnant in the kitchen!!

> I can't 
> think of any that existed either before or after the renaissance either. >
> Women are not good at what men do, so why are they being given jobs in 
> preference to men who would be far better than them in the role?

I don't know about "being given jobs in preference to men" but women are 
sure showing they are at least EQUAL to many men in many situations!!

> Why is the fake Doctor being written as a women in order to weaken men?

Bloody HELL. A while back you were bitching about The (female) Doctor 
being written as a man!!

Make up your mind, Aggy!!

> Why are men always portrayed as being week and effeminate by the far 
> left so that boys can't have a masculine role model to aspire to?

Why are Women ALWAYS portrayed as being weak by either side of the 


So why don't you go away, Aggy??

>>> No one gives a shit about Doctor Whoke.
>>> I don't give a fuck.

Well find something YOU do give a FUCK about!


>> Less people are watching Doctor Who... and?
> No one is watching Doctor Who unless it's classic episodes. Doctor Who 
> ended in 2017.

Our ABC started re-replaying NewWho last Monday .... starting with 
DoctorChristopher .... which, I'm guessing, isn't really NewWho because 
he left after only one year!!

>> I like Doctor Who so that's all that matters to me. You don't
>> like Doctor Who so your point of view has to be rammed down
>> everyone else's throat.
> Wrong. You don't even have a clue what Doctor Who even is. It ended in 
> 2017. Nothing made by Chibnall and RTD since 2017 resembles Doctor Who 
> in any way shape or form since the main protagonists does not resemble 
> the character of the Doctor at all.

How come the BBC has allowed the program to be called "Doctor Who", Aggy??