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From: Daniel70 <>
Newsgroups: rec.arts.drwho
Subject: Re: Doctor Who Spotting
Date: Thu, 13 Jun 2024 00:43:29 +1000
Organization: A noiseless patient Spider
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Blueshirt wrote on 12/6/24 10:59 pm:
> Daniel70 wrote:
>> Blueshirt wrote on 12/06/2024 5:40 am:
>>> The Last Doctor wrote:
>>>> “Y” is technically a semi vowel and words only with y are
>>>> generally considered vowelless - the rhythm of gypsy
>>>> myrrh, running through the lymph in the body of a nymph.
>>>> However English uses words taken from many other languages
>>>> too, and in Welsh for example w is also a semi vowel.
>>>> English words taken from Welsh include cwm (head of a
>>>> valley) and crwth (a kind of bowed lyre).
>>> No Mike, every word has to have a vowel, remember?! The
>>> Welsh can't be slipping naked vowel-less words in to the
>>> English language willy nilly. That sort of thing is just not
>>> acceptable.
>>> Heathens!
>> Ah!! You're starting to catch on now, are you, Blueshirt?? ;-P
> You wait til we start talking about the Irish language, we don't
> even have 26 letters in our alphabet!

More or Less??

I could be convinced that the English English Alphabet doesn't have 26 
letters .... I mean a "w" IS literally "uu", double u!

And, tripping back to High School, our Grade Six (1968) English Teacher, 
Mr Burleigh, stated that the letter 'Z' would soon be dumped from the 
English Alphabet!

Still waiting!!

> But we do love our vowels...
> Although we don't let fake vowels like Y slip-in, as that's just
> plain wrong,

Have you ever given it a try?? ;-)

> so somebody thought it best to take it our of our
> alphabet altogether!  ;-)
Hmm!! Are you very possessive of your Alphabet ('our of our')??