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From: "Ian J. Ball" <ijball@mac.invalid>
Subject: Re: What Did You Watch? 2024-06-11 (Tuesday)
Date: Wed, 12 Jun 2024 11:04:24 -0700
Organization: A noiseless patient Spider
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On 6/11/24 7:23 PM, shawn wrote:

> What did you watch?

I should have gotten stuff done yesterday, but instead I just watched 
movies all day!!:

First, in the morning, I got sucked into watching "Happy Death Day", on 
the Siffy channel, once again! I really do like this movie - esp. the 
wrinkle about how she "accumulates damage" (IOW, loses "hit points"!) 
after each successive death. Maybe the only issue with this flick is 
that I feel like the Third Act isn't quite as strong as the first two 
acts (the killer's motivation was especially weak, IMO). (And, like, how 
do the cops not take her in for murder after that?!!)
    Siffy did not play "Happy Death Day 2" immediately after, which is 
quite a different film, but even if they had I am not sure I would have 
watched it as I wasn't up for it...

soaps: DOOL - Assholes Brady and Alex immediately try to throw Xander 
under the bus to Jada, for righteously killing Constantine (and Xander 
was right: NuTheresa would have been an "acceptable casualty"!!), but 
luckily no charges are filled against Xander. Kayla chews Steve out for 
getting shot (how is it his fault!?!). John explains the situation to 
Marlena, and wants to travel to Greece. Stephanie tries to get an update 
on Everett (who wasn't in this episode) from Marlena, but doesn't get 
very far.
    GH - Chase and Brook Lynn try to get through to Finn, but basically 
fail. Lil Lizzie talks to her sons about the Finn situation, and thanks 
Jake for giving her the heads up about Finn drinking... I think Brennan 
tried to throw Anna under the bus to Agent Jagger Cates, but Anna didn't 
seem to be having any of it. Sam and Spinelli conspire to clone Agent 
Jagger Cates' FBI key card(?) - I liked the convo that Sam has with 
Jagger: I don't think she was expecting it.

Lantern's Lane (Hulu) - The good news? - Brooke Butler looks pretty darn 
good in this (as always!), as does Ashley Doris.
    The bad news? - This takes *way too long* to get going, and the 
payoff (such as it is) is mediocre, but it's very clear from near the 
beginning who the villains are and what their motivation is.
    This also fails as a slasher/horror movie as well, as it's not very 
bloody at all.
    So, I liked Brooke Butler in this, but not much else.

Station Eleven (Max) - Episodes #3 and #4. Episode #3 was a slog, 
focusing on a character we barely saw before this, who gets stuck in 
Malaysia when the plague hits.
    Episode #4 was somewhat better (special guest star: David Cross!!), 
as at least they follow up on what this Prophet dude is after in 2040, 
and what he's willing to do.
    Still, this is more slog than not, and the unnecessarily excessive 
use of non-linear storytelling is a minus, not a plus here.

Uncharted (Hulu) - In glorious 4k! (on Hulu, yet!!)
    Finally got to seeing this.
    It was OK-to-decent - pretty much in the vein of "National Treasure" 
or something like that.
    There was a very conspicuous cameo from Nolan North in this, which 
doesn't make such for such a low profile actor... unless he voiced the 
video game series this film is based on, which of course he did (North 
voices Tom Holland's character in the games).
    This apparently did a lot better at the box office than I remembered 
(I thought it was a flop) - well enough that it sounds like a sequel is 
in the planning (though not production) stages...

Follow (Tubi) - This was actually better than I was expecting - a very 
dark 2015 thriller/(psychological) horror flick.
    Noah Segan (you've likely seen him in something - he's done lots of 
movies over the years, incl. a fair number of horror flicks) stars as a 
nebbishy artist type, trying to get into Columbia (why?!) with a 
    He's involved with a beautiful, but completely *bat-shit crazy*, 
chick (the very lovely Olivia Grace Applegate - is she also crazy IRL?! 
is this typecasting?!) - Applegate consistently promises naked-nudity in 
this but never quite manages to actually deliver on it.
    Meanwhile, the artist works in a bar, where the waitress (Haley Lu 
Richardson) is sweet on him. (Why?!)
    Anyway, something happens that sends this movie spinning off in a 
really dark direction, and from there it really holds your attention.
    I didn't completely love the ending, but otherwise this was pretty 
decent low-budget (dark!) horror-thriller.

What did you watch?