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From: "Chris M. Thomasson" <chris.m.thomasson.1@gmail.com>
Newsgroups: sci.math
Subject: Re: A question for WM...
Date: Wed, 12 Jun 2024 13:58:51 -0700
Organization: A noiseless patient Spider
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On 6/12/2024 1:57 PM, WM wrote:
> Le 12/06/2024 à 22:51, "Chris M. Thomasson" a écrit :
>> On 6/12/2024 1:42 PM, WM wrote:
>>> Le 12/06/2024 à 22:23, "Chris M. Thomasson" a écrit :
>>>> Wrt your logic, I have some questions:
>>>> ____________
>>>> Are there infinitely many "dark" numbers?
>>> Yes.
>>>> Is there only a finite number of "light" numbers?
>>>> As in a global database with all of the numbers witnessed by humans?
>>> Yes.
>>>> Say a little kid, say 3 years old has never saw the number 42 
>>>> before... So, this number is light because I just wrote it, it is 
>>>> not dark. However, it is "dark" wrt the the kid? 
>>> Yes, the darkness is related to the system. If the kid is isolated, 
>>> then 42 is dark in its system.
>>> The next 10^1000 prime numbers are dark for us but an advanced 
>>> civilization may know them already.
>> Ahhhh. I think I see what you just might be getting at all along... 
>> Infinitely many dark numbers is saying that N is indeed infinite, but 
>> say the (current) largest number, say largest prime we have currently 
>> detected and printed out?... (kidding, lol), is light to us now, as we 
>> progress wrt technology and sheer smarts we will be able to actually 
>> calculate higher primes...,
> but almost all will remain dark forever.
>> that will turn from dark to light, right? Am I getting closer to your 
>> line of thinking, WM? We know that there are infinitely many primes, 
>> but the ones we have not actually calculated yet, are dark, but the 
>> are still very much, _there_ in N, indeed. Any closer, WM? Or way off 
>> your mark, so to speak? Humm...
> I think you've got it.

There are infinitely many dark natural numbers, aka, we have not seen 
(aka, calculated, "printed them out") them yet? There is no largest dark 
number, right?